> One of the projects I am working on is causing the following error
> (translated) on a teammates computer:
> "HL caused pagefault in module KERNEL32.DLL at memoryspot"
> When he types "exit" at the console.  I have not been able to reproduce
> the problem on my computer, but he says that it occurs on his computer
> and several of the beta testers machines.  Has anyone else had this
> problem?

This looks like a typical memory corruption problem (freeing the same chunk
of memory twice, or bad pointers writing to memory that they should not be
writing to, etc.).

You might want to find out how reproducible this problem is.  Does it happen
right away if he exits the game as soon as it is started?  Or does it take
several hours of running before this problem occurs.

It would be helpful to have the tester(s) run Dr.Watson before starting up
Half-Life and when it crashes, Dr.Watson will create a "core dump" log file
that will give you all the information you need to track down which module
is causing the memory corruption (or at least tell you which function is
causing the error).

Jeffrey "botman" Broome

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