Actually I'd be very careful doing that.  Who's to say shipping didn't cost

My point is its not enough to be beyond reproach you have to appear to be
beyond reproach.  If you really are just charging for shipping, it may look
as though you are also making a bit on the side.

Apart from that, I don't think you can charge full stop.  I remember a few
years ago there was a discussion about this and the final answer was you
could charge for an internet distribution, but not for a distribution on
physical media.  I don't know if that has since changed.  You should email
Eric Smith and ask him.  He will pass it onto the relevant legal people.

Also on a side note, if you really want to make money from a mod, why not
look at more original ways of doing it rather than selling it perse?  Banner
ads etc for instance.  Yahn once said to me that making money is not a good
driving force behind the production of a mod.  Good advice.

Michael Shimmins
Sesechial Software

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-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Brian A. Stumm
Sent: Wednesday, 28 May 2003 1:15 PM

On Tue, 27 May 2003, Jeff Katz wrote:

> Lo, list ;)
>       Some of my forum gnomes have been clamouring for me to sell cds
> with my mod on it. I wasn't exactly sure if this was legal as per the
> EULA. We wouldn't actually be making any profit from the sales of the cd
> - just whatever cafepress charges.
> Thanks for any (informed) responses...

I doubt you could charge for the mod, but could probably charge for
shipping/handling and to cover cost of producing the CD itself. Linux is
free but you can "buy" redhat in the store or download it for "free" off
the redhat's site.

You should read Valve's license carefully since HL is not GPL'ed. But I
think you would be ok with charging 5-10 bucks or something for the CD
burned with mod on it and shipping charge included in that charge.

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