
 This mail is about illegal software and steal code.

 Some guy is reporting to use a SO nicknamed "LINUX" that include
 steal code from SCO and break DRM USA laws to reproduce DVD.

 I guess he use this illegal software to run "bs-linux.com" and I
 suggest to remove "bs-linux.com" DNS entry from the ".com" databases.
 To avoid support to steal code, to avoid ve sue by SCO and USA
 Governement for DRM law breaks.

Here is the sign from the guy itself:

BAS> --
BAS>                                                        a8888b.
BAS> Brian A. Stumm                                        d888888b.
BAS> [EMAIL PROTECTED]                                       8P"YP"Y88
BAS> http://www.bs-linux.com                               8|o||o|88
BAS> The Choice of a Gnu Generation                        8'    .88
BAS>                                                       8`._.' Y8.
BAS>               #                                      d/      `8b.
BAS> ####         ###                                   .dP   .     Y8b.
BAS>  ##           #                                   d8:'   "   `::88b.
BAS>  ##       ###   ### ###   ###   ###  ###   ###   d8"           `Y88b
BAS>  ##      #  ##   ###   ##  ##    ##   ##   ##   :8P     '       :888
BAS>  ##     #   ##   ##    ##  ##    ##     ###      8a.    :      _a88P
BAS>  ##        ###   ##    ##  ##    ##     ###    ._/"Yaa_ :    .| 88P|
BAS>  ##     # ###    ##    ##  ##    ##    ## ##   \    YP"      `| 8P  `.
BAS>  ##    ## ### #  ##    ##  ###  ###   ##   ##  /     \._____.d|    .'
BAS> #########  ###  ####  ####   ### ### ###   ### `--..__)888888P`._.'


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