Most of coding *is* modifying other people's code. Not that I totally
agree with waiting for HL2MP source myself, but the way I look at it..
I'd rather use a solid foundation from a team of 15 engineers who have
worked with the same codebase for 6 years than invent some shakey
system in what little spare time I have.

Sure, it's great to go out and do something yourself. How else are you
to learn, right? But in the real world, people have jobs, or school,
and rarely have as much time to work on a system that Valve does
professionally. I seriously doubt that I could pull of something that
is better than Valve's implementation with just a 'little' more work.

That said-- The SDK isn't as horrible as people make it out to be. At
first glance it seems extremely incomplete. But after reviewing it
more and more and more, it's actually a very good foundation from with
to start a mod from scratch. I recommend anyone who is waiting for
hl2mp to go ahead and try working on your mod with the SDK, holding no
reservations. You may get futher than you expected in less time than
you might think. Just get in there and do it, damnit! ;)

On Mon, 13 Dec 2004 18:23:19 -0600, Jeffrey botman Broome
> > Or maybe we want to see how people who developed the game would write
> > multiplayer code? No, that can't be it. It must be because we're lazy
> > bastards.
> Sarcasm?
> Not having an example means you learn more (you learn more from failures
> than you do by copying what someone else has done).  Also, not having
> something you can copy-and-paste from encourages everyone to create
> their own unique interface rather than having 100 MODs all using exactly
> the same layout and button arrangement (see "Counter-Strike clone" for
> examples).  :)
> But, yeah, basically coders are lazy and will happily copy what someone
> else has done rather than trying to invent the wheel themselves (even if
> they could invent a much better wheel with a little bit of extra work).
> --
> Jeffrey "botman" Broome
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Phil Bowens

He who is the greatest of warriors overcomes and subdues himself.

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