I'm having some trouble getting .vcds made in face poser to play
properly. I have an avatar class based on the CBaseActor class (as most
of the humanoid NPC's seem to be) and although I have precached the
instanced scene (ie the VCD) and done SetExpression("blah/blah.vcd") the
avatars still aren't playing the facial expression. Tracing through the
npc_citizen17.cpp the only real changes in VCD seem to be through the
overloaded function SelectRandomExpressionForState(NPCState). However,
overloading this function in my own class didn't do the trick.

Really I just need a totally dumb NPC that is going to have just one
looping VCD of either happy or sad or whatever emotions on their face,
they don't move or change states or anything of the sort. If anyone
could step me through the process of playing a custom facial animation
on a model that would be great. For reference my class is just borrowing
the model files from the citizen17 entities so everything should be set
up for rigging I'd assume (they currently display the idle, looking
around animation just fine).


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