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The 23 messages have to do with networked messages from server to client
like the Battery msg for instance...

On 2/23/06, Jorge Rodriguez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> In CHudMessage::MessageAdd() in message.cpp, there are two calls to
> TextMessageGet() which is an engine function. I have not yet been able
> to get this function to return anything but NULL.
> In my gamedir, I have a file called resource/gamedir_english.txt
> (substituting gamedir for the game I'm making) and it contains the
> following:
> "lang"
> {
> "Language" "English"
> "Tokens"
> {
> "Game_Arena_Joined" "You joined an arena."
> }
> }
> I used this code to display the message:
> UTIL_ShowMessage("#Game_Arena_Joined", pPlayer);
> To no avail. It's like it's not there. I also tried messages from HL2,
> like #Valve_Reload_Weapon #HL2_Chapter1_Title and #GameUI_ReverseMouse
> but they didn't work either. Furthermore, when the game is loads it
> displays in the console: "Parsed 23 text messages". 23 text messages?
> None of the files it can parse from have 23 messages. None of them have
> any less then 24 messages. The default SDK files have four messages.
> What file is it parsing here? The number of messages does not change
> when I add and remove messages from gamedir_english.txt so I assume that
> the engine cannot find that file altogether.
> To make things worse, the default SDK's messages file is called
> sampleapp_english.txt and contains the following:
> "lang"
> ਍笀 ഀഀ
> "Language" "English"
> ਍∀吀漀欀攀渀猀∀ ഀഀ
> {
> ਍ഀഀ
> "hl2_AmmoFull" "FULL"
> ਍ഀഀ
> "SDK_Shotgun" "Shotgun"
> ਍∀匀䐀䬀开䜀爀攀渀愀搀攀∀ऀऀ∀䜀爀攀渀愀搀攀∀ഀഀ
> "SDK_MP5" "SubMaschinGun"
> ਍ഀഀ
> "HL2_Saved" "Saved..."
> ਍ഀഀ
> }
> ਍紀ഀഀ
> I'm pretty sure that is not a valid messages file, and it doesn't help
> me at all. It's not even similar in format to what it's supposed to be.
> I would think that this would stem from a problem with the game
> directory being set incorrectly, but everything else in the game works.
> Maps, textures, models, everything works fine. Furthermore, it works for
> other mods like Dystopia and GMod. It irritates me that such a simple
> thing is not working. Can anybody help in making this work?
> --
> Jorge "Vino" Rodriguez
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