On Fri, 2006-04-14 at 12:25 -0700, Alfred Reynolds wrote:
> It is a code maintainence, performance and reuse issue. If you roll your
> own Paint() code you end up having to rewrite functionality in each
> paint call and you tend to make your layout logic code rather than data
> driven. Paint also gets called many times per second, it is easy to blow
> away performance by making expensive calls on data that rarely changes
> (like the ConvertANSIToUnicode() call below), the VGUI2 framework is
> event driven and expensive calls only get made when they need to be.

"Premature optimization is the root of all evil"
-- Donald Knuth (or Tony Hoare, depending on who you talk to)

Right then.  In any case, my specific issue is with
surface()->DrawTexturedRect() calls.  Gauges and icons seem to call this
one a lot; is it a good idea to do this manually as part of Paint()?  Or
is there some behind-the-scenes VGUI caching functionality that would
make this a bad idea?

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