[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
I dunno why your using a variable.  In your weapon base class just use
pPlayer->IsSprinting().  Tell your animators to create a start_sprint, and a
idle_sprint animation; setup your code to support this.  Disable attacks
while sprinting (PrimaryAttack/SecondaryAttack, come to mind).

*cough (nasty cold)*
//also, probably best to do the following (why waste the cycles?)...
ConVar nd_sprint_gun;
//instead of

On 4/26/06, Adam amckern Mckern <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi!
> I am trying to find the correct command to dip the
> gun, like when you aim at a firendly NPC.
> The reason is when you sprint, the gun should not be
> used.
> I am also looking to try and force holster the gun if
> the diping wont work.
> What i have done so far is
> In basehlcombatweapon_shared.cpp
> CBaseHLCombatWeapon::WeaponShouldBeLowered i have
> added the concommand
> ConVar nd_sprint_gun( "nd_sprint_gun", "0",
> Over in my sprint function I have done this
> if( pPlayer->IsSprinting() )
> {
> static bool bNDSprint = false;
> if( bNDSprint )
> {
> // Show gun
> // We stoped runing
> cvar->FindVar("nd_sprint_gun")->SetValue(0);
> }
> else
> {
> // Hide Gun
> // Sprint away
> cvar->FindVar("nd_sprint_gun")->SetValue(1);
> DevMsg("My gun should be lowered\n");
> }
> bNDSprint = !bNDSprint;
> //check if the gun is down or not
> if (cvar->FindVar("nd_sprint_gun")->GetInt() ==
> 1);//is it down?
> else(
> cvar->FindVar("nd_sprint_gun")->SetValue(0));//well
> bing it up
> }
> Now if i use another command, like mat_fullbright -
> the convar works - but this convar wont drop my gun -
> infact i end up crashing in the lower state statment.
> The guns i'm working with are custom guns, all but the
> machinegun, that comes from hl2 - do i need to tell
> the modlers to add an animation event to them for the
> diping to occur?
> Any help is much wanted
> Thanks
> Adam
> --------
> My Website http://www.ammahls.com
>    Lead Programer NightFall http://www.nightfallmod.net
>       Developer of CST and ZHLT 3.0 http://www.zhlt.info
>          Team Lead - Prime - http://www.nigredostudios.com
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