[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
Thanks for the help!

I've got the server browser working by using these methods:

vgui::VPANEL GetChildByName(vgui::VPANEL parent, const char *name)
    for(int i=0;i<vgui::ipanel()->GetChildCount(parent);i++)
        vgui::VPANEL child = vgui::ipanel()->GetChild(parent, i);
        if(Q_strcmp(name, vgui::ipanel()->GetName(child)) == 0) return
    return NULL;

vgui::VPANEL GetServerBrowser()
    vgui::VPANEL root = enginevgui->GetPanel(PANEL_ROOT);
    vgui::VPANEL GameUI = GetChildByName(root, "GameUI Panel");
        vgui::VPANEL BaseGameUI = GetChildByName(GameUI, "BaseGameUIPanel");
            vgui::VPANEL ServerBrowser = GetChildByName(BaseGameUI,
            if(ServerBrowser) return ServerBrowser;
    return NULL;

void ToggleServerPanel()
    vgui::VPANEL server = GetServerBrowser();
    vgui::ipanel()->SetVisible(server, !vgui::ipanel()->IsVisible(server));


Now I'm working on the options menu.  I can get access to the GameMenu
VPANEL, but SendMessage is defined as: SendMessage(VPANEL vguiPanel,
KeyValues *params, VPANEL ifromPanel).

I'm guessing vguiPanel and ifromPanel are the GameMenu.  I'm not sure of the
correct format for the params KeyValues.  I tried this without success:

KeyValues *kv = new KeyValues();
kv->SetString("command", "OpenOptionsDialog")

vgui::ipanel()->SendMessage(gameMenu, kv, gameMenu);

Any ideas?

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