[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
Have you copied the lib folder too?


On 06/11/06, Giancarlo Rivas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --
> [ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
> Hi, I am trying to merge my mod code to the 'new sdk' (the one that still
> can't compile on vc2k5). I cleared all compiler errors on the client but
> the
> linker is giving me missing symbols like:
> _info::vftable on tier1.lib vgui_controls.lib libcpd.lib and seevral of
> the
> obj files of the project.
> After that it looks like if goes crazy and reports missing base functions
> like _stricmp, _atexit, _fltused, _CIfmod, _RTDynamicCast, _finite,
> _chkstk,
> _atof, _atoi, _strchr, _ftol2, _CIacos, _floor, _strstr, _alloca_probe,
> _RTtypeid, _sscanf, _qsort, _assert, _wcslen, _CIpow, _memmove, _isalnum,
> _CxxFrameHandler, _except_list, _vsnprintf, etc
> (er, with double _ at thebeginning of their names)
> Anyone know what did I delete or am missing?
> --
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