[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
It happens for me every time the duck key is released as well.  There's a
nearby comment that says it should rarely or never happen.  I assume
something changed (or something that was supposed to change didn't) between
when the assert was added and now.

Anyway, I doubt there's any harm in removing it.

On 11/7/06, Eric Van Huss <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> [ Converted text/html to text/plain ]
> This is for the recently released sdk update. I'm new and playing around
> with
> the sdk so I'll probably sound as such. I'm using 2005 Express.
> At the end of CGameMovement::Duck there's a "hack" check to make sure the
> viewoffset z value is correct. In the comments about this check it says it
> might not be needed but it's there to make sure people know if a certain
> bug
> is happening.
> I'm getting this assert after letting go of duck almost every time. If I
> comment
> out 'SetDuckedEyeOffset(0.0f)' ,at the end of the assert check, the code
> still
> works and the player's viewoffset z value gets changed to the correct
> value on
> it's own(64.0).
> In case anyone wants to know...! FinishUnDuck() sets the player's
> viewoffset(z
> = 64.0). It then goes back to engine.dll(which is a pain to debug :) ).
> Engine.dll
> calls CHLClient::FrameStageNotify -> OnRenderStart(), which down the line
> calls C_BaseEntity::Interp_Interpolate(). The for loop in this method
> changes
> the z value of the player's viewoffset. Then Duck() gets called again and
> the
> assert happens. I guess this check/assert is not letting interpolation run
> its
> course?
> So do we still need this check/assert. Or maybe a better conditional
> check?
> Thanks,
> EJ
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