Hi all

This has been brought up before and I don't think the details of "fixing it"
has ever been fully disclosed. I think I'm running exactly into this problem
as described by Tony Sergi from 2007


> Hey guys, I'm having a bit of a prediction issue with weapon code.
> Basically what's happening is, when you're lagged out (real, or
> net_fakelag)
> the client seems to be calling ItemPostFrame multiple times a frame,
> instead
> of just once.
> This is causing my weapons to fire a random amount of times more, on the
> client, than they should.
> Has anyone else encountered this? gpGlobals->curtime as per usual is being
> tested, and when I DevMsg the fire sequence, the multiple fire times are
> indeed using the exact same time.
> I would like to fix this, as quickly as possible without a gross hack.
> Thanks
> --
> -omega
> -- .

Yahn's answer was a big clue, to test if it's the first time you're
predicting this thing on client, and if so.. do whatever you're supposed to
do.. otherwise ignore the method.

This is the way prediction works, the client "resimulates" all of the
> CUserCmds since the last ack'd one.  For debugging this stuff, it's best
> to turn cl_pred_optimize to 0 and you'll always do the full reprediction
> every frame.
> When you trigger client side only effects in weapons, you should only do
> them the first time a CUserCmd is predicted.  You should use something
> like this:
> #if defined( CLIENT_DLL )
> // during prediction play footstep sounds only once
> if ( prediction->InPrediction() &&
> !prediction->IsFirstTimePredicted() )
> return;
> #endif
> To deal with such cases.
> Yahn

Ofcourse this applies to client-side-only stuff that should play once, like
client-side-only animation. This applies to us because we've decided to make
all player-animations client-side-only for local players.

Without further-ado, here's my problem, demonstrated in video-form.

In the video, the first two times I swing I had 0 lag (listen server). Next
third and fourth time I swing, I turned on net_fakelag 300. You see the

We have a weapon controlling the player animation.  The weapon fires 3
times, resets itself (wait time), and then fires 3 times again, etc while
holding IN_ATTACK.

The following print-out reveals the bizarre problem.
(Swingcount controls the player animation as well as the

Client predicts the attack message:

client is attacking at 99.284996
client has enough stamina true with swingcount: 0
client incrementing swingcount to... 1
client stance: 0, direction: 0, swingcount: 1
client time: 99.284996, firerate: 0.300000

Server gets it, and things are good

server is attacking at 99.284996
server has enough stamina true with swingcount: 0
server incrementing swingcount to... 1
server stance: 0, direction: 0, swingcount: 1
server time: 99.284996, firerate: 0.300000
client is attacking at 99.584999

Did client get the message yet? Swingcount is still 1!

client has enough stamina true with swingcount: 0
client incrementing swingcount to... 1
client stance: 0, direction: 0, swingcount: 1
client time: 99.584999, firerate: 0.300000

Already something here goes terribly wrong. Even though swingcount updates
(networked) with the msg "client incrementing swingcount to ...", the client
weapon re-simulates itself using ItemPostFrame 0.3 seconds later.

server is attacking at 99.584999
server has enough stamina true with swingcount: 1
server incrementing swingcount to... 2
server stance: 0, direction: 0, swingcount: 2
server time: 99.584999, firerate: 0.300000

We get a notification here from the server. So far the client is one swing
count behind, which gets corrected in the following:

client is attacking at 99.584999
client has enough stamina true with swingcount: 1
client incrementing swingcount to... 2
client stance: 0, direction: 0, swingcount: 2
client time: 99.584999, firerate: 0.300000

Client goes on to predict the next attack 0.3 seconds later

client is attacking at 99.900002
client has enough stamina true with swingcount: 2
client incrementing swingcount to... 3
client stance: 0, direction: 0, swingcount: 3
client time: 99.900002, firerate: 0.800000

Okay WTF!!!! Client GOES BACK IN TIME HERE ---- and resimulates at
swingcount 1. And for the next few steps, it immediately increments
swingcount multiple times.

client is attacking at 99.584999
client has enough stamina true with swingcount: 1
client incrementing swingcount to... 2
client stance: 0, direction: 0, swingcount: 2
client time: 99.584999, firerate: 0.300000
client is attacking at 99.900002
client has enough stamina true with swingcount: 2
client incrementing swingcount to... 3
client stance: 0, direction: 0, swingcount: 3
client time: 99.900002, firerate: 0.800000

client is attacking at 99.974998
client has enough stamina true with swingcount: 0
client incrementing swingcount to... 1
client stance: 0, direction: 0, swingcount: 1
client time: 99.974998, firerate: 0.300000
client is attacking at 99.584999
client has enough stamina true with swingcount: 1
client incrementing swingcount to... 2
client stance: 0, direction: 0, swingcount: 2
client time: 99.584999, firerate: 0.300000
client is attacking at 99.900002
client has enough stamina true with swingcount: 2
client incrementing swingcount to... 3
client stance: 0, direction: 0, swingcount: 3
client time: 99.900002, firerate: 0.800000
client is attacking at 99.584999
client has enough stamina true with swingcount: 1
client incrementing swingcount to... 2
client stance: 0, direction: 0, swingcount: 2
client time: 99.584999, firerate: 0.300000
client is attacking at 99.900002
client has enough stamina true with swingcount: 2
client incrementing swingcount to... 3
client stance: 0, direction: 0, swingcount: 3
client time: 99.900002, firerate: 0.800000
client is attacking at 100.095001
client has enough stamina true with swingcount: 0
client incrementing swingcount to... 1
client stance: 0, direction: 0, swingcount: 1
client time: 100.095001, firerate: 0.300000
client is attacking at 100.154999
client has enough stamina true with swingcount: 1
client incrementing swingcount to... 2
client stance: 0, direction: 0, swingcount: 2
client time: 100.154999, firerate: 0.300000

Finally 300ms later the server puts a stop to this madness, but meanwhile
the clientside animation is already totally fucked; excuse my french.

server is attacking at 99.900002
server has enough stamina true with swingcount: 2
server incrementing swingcount to... 3
server stance: 0, direction: 0, swingcount: 3
server time: 99.900002, firerate: 0.800000
client is attacking at 99.900002
client has enough stamina true with swingcount: 2
client incrementing swingcount to... 3
client stance: 0, direction: 0, swingcount: 3
client time: 99.900002, firerate: 0.800000
client is attacking at 100.259995
client has enough stamina true with swingcount: 0
client incrementing swingcount to... 1
client stance: 0, direction: 0, swingcount: 1
client time: 100.259995, firerate: 0.300000
client is attacking at 99.900002
client has enough stamina true with swingcount: 2
client incrementing swingcount to... 3
client stance: 0, direction: 0, swingcount: 3
client time: 99.900002, firerate: 0.800000
client is attacking at 99.900002
client has enough stamina true with swingcount: 2
client incrementing swingcount to... 3
client stance: 0, direction: 0, swingcount: 3
client time: 99.900002, firerate: 0.800000
client is attacking at 100.379997
client has enough stamina true with swingcount: 0
client incrementing swingcount to... 1
client stance: 0, direction: 0, swingcount: 1
client time: 100.379997, firerate: 0.300000
client is attacking at 100.424995
client has enough stamina true with swingcount: 1
client incrementing swingcount to... 2
client stance: 0, direction: 0, swingcount: 2
client time: 100.424995, firerate: 0.300000


Please help. What do I do here? It seems like swingcount is falling out of
prediction for no good reason, even though client and server are running the
exact same code.

The weapon IS predicted via ShouldPredict/IsPredicted.

I've done this to test, but it doesn't fix anything:

Immediately in ItemPostFrame()
    if( prediction->InPrediction() && !prediction->IsFirstTimePredicted() ){


In theory it should only run stuff in ItemPostFrame the first time. Instead,
it's running it multipe times, completely destroying player-animation.

I've also done the above checks around CheckButton() and SetAnimation for
player, etc. Nothing seems to work.

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