Hey guys its me again foo,Ok well ive been working away on my mod recently and 
i followed a really cool tutorial from the VDC that explains how to make your 
MODs menu both ingame and MainMenu look really funkyAnd all went well i 
designed a few cool animated images in PS and IR for it and got them working 
fine as VTFs in the game. 
Here is my issueWhen i am in the main Menu and click on exit the Game will exit 
like normal but the images for the words like "NEWGAME" ,"LOADGAME" and "Exit" 
linger for a second too long whereas the logo will disappear once the game 
shutdownI was just wondering if anyone knew what Method is called when i click 
Quit so that i can add it to my my code something like this
im not a great programmer im only a student doing a game course in Ireland but 
i have a year of JAVA over me and i know th basics of how coding goes and the 
more tutorials i complete in the SOURCE code the better at C++ i get so if 
anyone has anyidea of what i can do here i would be very grateful:)CheersCathal 
Mc Nally

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