Hey guys, this sounds somewhat nonsensical (prediction of non local) but
bear with me.

I've got attacks that knock other players away, as well as cause the other
players to flinch / pain animation. Now, I'm not aware of how other Source
mods deal with this, but how are things like that normally predicted (if at
all?). I want the effects of hitting another player with the attack to be
visibly instantaneous: knockback (impulse velocity) and stun animation
(simple sequence playback). Currently, lagged players will only see the
effect some time after the attack is finished, which is pretty unacceptable
in our fighting game.

Tony suggested I predict the other clients (always). I got stuck at trying
to pick and choose what vars for the other clients to predict. For example,
I only want to explicitly predict their absvelocity and write a dummy
gamemovement for their knockback, however their absvelocity is constantly
being predicted at all times and there doesn't appear to be any way I can
control when / what to predict.

My next experiment is to attempt to InitPredictable() and
ShutdownPredictable() during the time the victim is suffering hit stun.
This lead to a curious case where after doing Init and Shutdown predictable
a few times (twice, exactly?), the non local player stops becoming
traceable via Util_Trace functions on client-side. One can probably test
this by setting ShouldPredict to return true for players, calling
InitPredictable on any weapon impact, calling ShutdownPredictable some time
after, then doing a DevMsg on the impact on client -- the trace seemingly
stops working.

Is there some better way to get around this?

Can I summon Yahn's professional opinion on this?

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