> I guess Valve is taking the Microsoft approach for their products.  Get
> updates that fix this problem and cause this problem.  When will Valve get
> it.  Stop releasing Version to verion updates and come out with one big
> patch to fix all the problems.  They are rushing things a bot.  I know for
> fact that my Linux Server is a bit Laggy after doing the updates, even
> I do a straight connect with a 9MS Latency.  The Red Dot on my RPG
> like Crap, and the Tau Cannon is pretty much useless. Quit rushing these
> updates and take consideration for one massive update not these little
> like Microsoft does.

Rushing?  Rushing?!  Do you not recall how was supposed to be out
for a week when came out?  It was delayed several times so that
Valve could fix things and make the upgrade as smooth as possible for as
many people.

Despite my chomping at the bit for .8, I am glad Valve took at long as they
did, because no matter where I've gone, as long as the server was configured
properly, everything was perfect, including the voice.

Just my 1/50 of a dollar..


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