On Fri, 21 Sep 2001, Lee Latham wrote:

> How much bandwidth does HLTV require?

>From what I've seen by watching net_graph, it uses about 1.2Kb down/1Kb up
for each directly connect client.  Of course, if you had 10 or even 100
clients using the multicast stream your server should not source more than
that.  I have limited my clients to 6 (default is 128) so I should
probably not see more than 8Kb in either direction of additional bandwidth
use.  I limit my clients because I dont have multicast enabled, even if I
did, there arent enough customers at my ISP who would really use it. From
what I've been told, it would be rare for multicast streams to make it
past your upstream provider.  Multicast is really only going to work for
gamers who are directly connected to the same network the proxy is
connected to.  To expand the viewer area you need to connect proxies to
the Master proxy and have them stream multicast to their own
multicast enabled networks.

> Lee Latham
> http://www.theville.org

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