[EMAIL PROTECTED] - This listserv is for the discusson of Windows
specific HLDS issues.

Please abide by the following rules:
- Read the documentation and do a little research first (or risk being
   flamed and thwacked as a llama n00b). See FAQ #5 below.
- Post Related Topics Only. See FAQ #6 below.
- No HL Client General Questions (please go to one of the many gaming sites
   like http://www.planethalflife.com)
- No HTML Emails (please keep to plain text - no colors or font changes)
- Don't subscribe using a postmaster box.  Your posts may be automatically
   deleted. It is recommended that you create a new box just for this list.
- No Racist Remarks
- Don't Reply to "unsubscribe" Posts.
- If you feel the need to attack another member of this list, please do so
   OFF the list.  The rest of us don't need to know how you feel.

The following FAQ was created by experienced admins on this list:

1. Unsubscribing from this List
2. Other Lists
3. HLDS Admin Addons and Utilities
4. Other HLDS Admin Resources
5. Initial Research
6. Related Topics for this List
7. List Archive

1) UNSUBSCRIBING FROM THIS LIST - Many people sign up to this list and find
that it's either too much for them or they have been helped and no longer
wish to be subscribed and continue receiving the high-volume traffic to
their email box.  To unsbuscribe, please send an email with the following:

Subject: <blank>
Body: unsubscribe hlds

Make sure you send the email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and not to
list (you'll risk being flamed and thwacked if you do).  Also, make sure the
body only has "unsubscribe hlds" on the first line. The subject line is
ignored and can be left blank.

To make it even easier, just click on the following:
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?body=unsubscribe%20hlds

2) OTHER LISTS - There are a few other lists that Valve provides and you can
find those listed with instructions on their site at

3) HLDS ADMIN ADDONS AND UTILITIES - The following is a list of a few of the
most popular HLDS admin addons and utilities that you may find useful
(please read their documentation and see their forums and email lists for
specific questions before asking on this list):

- AdminMOD (http://www.adminmod.org) -- The only MOD that enables HLDS
   admins to extend their server with many different features.

- GameHost (http://www.xoanan.com/gamehost/default.htm) -- Windows utility
   to assist in running your HLDS server (even as a service).

- halfd (http://www.halfd.org) -- Advanced Server Management for Half Life

- PunkBuster (http://www.punkbuster.com/) -- Anti-cheat system used on HLDS

For a more in-depth list, UnitedAdmins members can go:

4) OTHER HLDS ADMIN RESOURCES - The following are other HLDS admin related
resources that are available:

- HLDS Setup How To Guide (http://server.counter-strike.net/howto.html) --
  How To Guide to Setting up an HLDS Server

- #hlds IRC Channel on GamesNet (irc://irc.gamesnet.net/hlds)

- Counter-Server (http://server.counter-strike.net/) -- The CS Server Admin

- UnitedAdmins.com (http://www.unitedadmins.com/) -- Uniting Gaming Server
   Admins (member maintained)

- HLTV FAQ (http://www.slipgate.de/projects/hltv_faq.html)

- HLTV How-To Guide (http://satan1.dynodns.net/HLTV/index.htm)

5) INITIAL RESEARCH - Before posting to this list, please do the necessary
research on your own by using the following steps as a guideline (this will
save you and other admins on the list time and energy):

- Visit Manufacturer/Developer Website/Forums
- Email Manufacturer/Developer Support
- Search Google or Other Search Engines
- Search the List Archive (see FAQ #7 below)
- Post to this HLDS List

PLEASE NOTE: If you do have a question and find the solution on your own,
please share with others by prefixing the subject with a "[INFO]" tag.
Thank you!

6) RELATED TOPICS FOR THIS LIST - To help define what topics are acceptable
on this listserv, please consider the following guidelines:

- Questions about HLDS (Half-Life Dedicated Server) for Win32
- OS/Hardware questions, only if directly related to HL (if gray area mark
   with [OT] in subject)
- Questions about HL MODs
- Questions about HL Add-ons or Helpfull Tools.  See FAQ #3.

7) LIST ARCHIVE - Congiman has been nice enough to maintain an archive of
this list up until 8/22/2001.  A new archive is now available as well.



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