Running a CS server at the age of 12 to me is not an
issue. The concern I would have from being a parent is
the Securities of the OS, PC, Firewall and such.

And if he or she is going to bed ontime. I as a server
admin and website host NEVER gets to bed before 1a.

--- hash <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I thank Dennis for voicing himself far better than I
> ever could. I too run a
> couple of servers off a cable connection, and while
> its far from what I'd
> like to have, it's making due with what I have and
> what I have to spend. The
> 40 or so regulars seem to enjoy it, so I guess you
> really can run a server
> from cable, within reason.
> What, exactly, is the problem with 12 year old
> running servers anyways? If I
> came home to find my 12 year old had figured out how
> to set up a server for
> him and his friends to play on, I'd be thrilled that
> he'd be following my
> footsteps into geekdom. So with the new server
> listings you have to scroll a
> bit and be a bit more choosey to avoid servers like
> this. While this can be
> slightly annoying, I don't see how this is as big of
> a deal as everyones
> making it out to be.
> I'm sure everyone knows this link, but Whisper made
> a point of a guide so
> . Yes it's cs
> specific, but the info there
> can be used for any hl server. It has a very
> detailed guide, and even
> answers "how many people can I run on my 512/256
> ADSL connection??".
> I'm not going to rip on valve, but the last two
> years has been nothing but
> pushed back release dates, ignoring VAC for other
> projects, and bug fixes
> that fix two things and brings three. Again, I'm not
> ripping on valve for
> this, I'm just saying that it's not exactly new, or
> anything different. So
> now that source beta is out and HL2 is finally
> coming out (we think), work
> on VAC has seems to be completely halted - again
> tho, who didn't see this
> coming? Frustrating as hell I agree, but not exactly
> a surprise.
> -hash
> From: "Whisper ." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Well maybe you are not a 12 year old Dennis, but
> from the questions
> > that repeatedly asked, and the complete lack of
> maths skills
> > demonstrated by far too many people who wish to be
> "server admins" I
> > don't think it is that elitist or harsh to make
> the call! (BTW, if you
> > think the comments apply to you then obviously
> they do, if they don't
> > then, you ought to ignore them like any sensible
> person would if they
> > did not have some inferiority complex or
> something)
> >
> > Especially considering how much of a retarded
> waste of time this issue
> > is in the scheme of things in regards to the
> problems people who know
> > what they are talking about would rather see
> addressed first!!
> >
> > Like how about a friggin VAC update?
> > How about the de_nuke flashbang bug?
> > How about fixing silent planting?
> > How about an Official Valve approved clear and
> concise guide to
> > setting servers up so we can direct these 12 year
> olds to it whenever
> > they ask stupid questions like "how many people
> can I run on my
> > 512/256 ADSL connection??" ????
> >
> > On Mon, 30 Aug 2004 13:10:02 -0400,
> > <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > Well said Dennis.
> > >
> > > Another point I'd like to make - a lot of you
> may see the complaining
> made
> > > about the MSL sorting method unwarranted, and
> from all of the whining
> and
> > > unconstructive discussion taking place about it
> here, I can see why.
> > >
> > > However - the current sorting method went from
> one that admins could at
> least
> > > do something about, to a method that doesnt
> really favor too many admins
> at
> > > all, especially those that pay for a dedicated
> server on a high-end
> network.
> > >
> > > Did the old method have flaws? Yes, but
> managible. The new method is
> worse.
> > > Good thing tho is that YES, Valve IS listening,
> just that the current
> > > implementation was poorly thought out and
> implemented. It is fixable,
> just
> > > hope that they are still listening and will do
> something about it.
> > >
> > > And out of all the discussion, whining and
> complaining spent on this
> thread, I
> > > am sorry to say that I am the *only one* to
> offer up any kind of
> solution (see
> > > my last post). If you're going to file a
> complaint about something,
> fine, but
> > > at least have the foresight to offer a solution
> as well, otherwise
> you're just
> > > wasting everyones time, esp your own.
> > >
> > > - K2
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > "Dennis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > >
> > > > All of a sudden I'm reading messages from
> pissed-off elitists saying
> that
> > > > servers run from a home connection are somehow
> meaningless, run by
> > > > 12-year-olds, poorly run, or otherwise
> insignificant. While this is
> > > > certainly true in many cases, there ARE some
> that are well run by
> people who
> > > > have just as much pride in running a clean,
> fun, and yes, well-liked
> server
> > > > as you do.
> > > >
> > > > Point one: Like it or not, EVERY ONE of them
> is part of the same
> "community"
> > > > that you guys who do it for the money are.
> Don't forget, the original
> intent
> > > > of CS, DoD, TFC, etc. was exactly that. The
> community was MEANT to be
> game
> > > > enthusiasts running servers from home
> connections. At some point
> someone
> > > > figured out that they could install a server
> on their T1 line at work
> and
> > > > host a much larger game. From there it evolved
> into commercial
> ventures as
> > > > the high bandwidth connections became more
> prevalent. I know because I
> > > > watched it happen.
> > > >
> > > > Point two: I'm much, MUCH older than 12, and
> probably older than just
> about
> > > > everyone on this list. I ran a small TFC
> server from my cable
> connection
> > > > until WON went down, and I had pretty much
> only regulars, which tells
> me I
> > > > was doing something right. I did daily
> maintenance, read the logs to
> see who
> > > > was causing trouble when there was no admin,
> and strictly enforced the
> rules
> > > > to prevent anyone from spoiling the fun for
> everyone else. I'm sure
> I'm not
> > > > the only one with a cable server who did this.
> That's a lot more than
> I can
> > > > say for most of you people and your 3 Ghz,
> dual-Zeon, 2 gig RAM, T3's.
=== message truncated ===

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