
>My original point had to do with my observations that performance rolled
>off dramatically beginning at 25 players.

I know, but I just wanted to ventilate my opinion, your remark that I
highlighted just gave me the occasion

>Now don't damn me with flames yet...

It certainly wasn't intended as a flame, plz don't take it as such.

>The "sweet spot" probably depends on multiple factors:
>1. "player community" meaning the "cluster" of players that tend to hang
>out in your servers.
>2. the map(s) in the cycle
>.3. the host/network capabilities

Your forgot two I think ;) (not intended as flame, just an observation)
 4. How much revenue the hoster wants
 5. The unmistakable urge for people to think that "the bigger the better"


>CS/CSS is small tactical squad simulations and more than 7 players on a
>team is useless.

Exactly my point, thanks ;)

>Unless you just let the n00bs on each team perform recon by fire for the
>intelligent players who hang back at round start. <wink>

Unfortunatly, but a few are intelligent enough to fight the urge to get the
first/most kills. Ive more than once came across the situation that I (being
the only one left) need to clean up 2 to 4 opponents (and usually do so
effectively). I actually like those moments, because it shows real skill...
and hopefully let people think about their tactics (if they care).

Enough of self praise :P just keep ppl like me in mind :)

Micha Vermeer

Ps, wArg0d, I probably wont ever be seen on your servers because they are
just too far away ;) (if tracert isn't lying to me about emfclan.com)

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