Mikee is absolutely correct. Large public communities have no definitive
tools for controlling miscreants. The only real solution is ample and
diligent admins...along with heavily modified plugins to help maintain
the peace. If you only run private servers, the situation is completely

We run public DoD and CoD/HoB servers but keep our CS:S and HL2DM
servers private. The pressures of admining private servers are a mere
fraction of  the public servers. I can't imagine the headaches that
large public communities like Jolt and GameSpy Arena contend with. Our
traffic is lighter on the private servers, but it's highly qualified,
regulars only, so there's little need for hardcore admin coverage. One
less headache for us.

With all that said, there's no possible way to guarantee that innocent
players won't be banned. That's why we have a system for stating your
case and having it reviewed by the admin staff. It's a method of checks
and balances for an imperfect system. Do we make mistakes? Sure, but not
very many. Can we enforce our rules and standards? Yes. And, most
importantly, is our community happy with the results? Feel free to ask
them yourself. :)


Mikee wrote:

Alexander, our point is that there has never been a reliable and
perfect way
to screen out and/or ban cheaters, hackers, crackers.  Like all of life,
some innocents will always get caught and accused unfairly.  However,
mistakedly banned players will take the time to rationally appeal
their ban
and answer your questions....and many admins will give them a second
(depending on the circumstances).

All of the past banning/anti-cheat programs have always had problems with
false positive banning.  This system is not much different.  In this
list presented by WarGod, I asked him calmly to remove the bans
related to
those wearing his clan's tag, and he readily agreed, since these are
not in
the same "universal" category as those crashing server, or cheating with
aimbot/speedhacks, etc.

In the absence of VAC2, this is the best we've got.  At least those
and their sandbox friends that crashed our servers for fun, may now
that this is going to keep them out of some of the more popular
servers, and
stop doing it.

----- Original Message -----
To: <hlds@list.valvesoftware.com>
Sent: Tuesday, April 12, 2005 6:09 AM
Subject: Re: [hlds] Request to clear steam id's from global ban lists

Did you ever use CSGuard/HLGuard/VAC?
Did you ever complain about the said programs at all when they were all
known to work at one time or another and banned a cheat?

Were the programers then called ignorant when their program accidentaly
made false bans?

Here's a tid-bit: Why don't you remove the password protection and make
your server(s) public.  Then when you tire of the bull$h!t chime back in
and give us all your suggestions as to handle the mess Ok?

Maybe, just maybe if you dropped the sarcasm bit you'd get half a clue!

Good Day

Alexander Kobbevik wrote:

Again you miss my point, but fine.

I run two server, both password protected.
So no, im not trying to win any competition with anyone.
Nor do I think im so great. I just think someone should point out
why the idea might not be a good idea. And I did.

We are going in circles.. so i give up.. you win ;)


-----Original Message----- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Roc Sent: 11. april 2005 17:19 To: hlds@list.valvesoftware.com Subject: Re: [hlds] Request to clear steam id's from global ban lists

With all the people playing this game why would you be so worried about losing a few here and there? Unless you are from the minority of ignorant Admins who see running a server as a competition with other server Ops of who's server is more 1337 or better yet support the hackers like some who troll this list simply to oppose of anything positive in regards stopping the little cheats then why would you care?

Nothing is perfect!

Look on the bright side, for each of us that use this list, more
chance visiting your server! :)

Maybe you and the minority who question it need to look in the mirror!


Alexander Kobbevik wrote:

I know that not everything is perfect...
And im not talking about a false positive here.
Im talking about people beeing banned for other reasons by an admin
therefor ending up in this banlist. Anyways... I hope this is only a
minority who is so ignorant as to trust such a list.
Shit happeneds, you just don't need to add to it.

Good luck though..

-----Original Message----- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Roc Sent: 8. april 2005 18:45 To: hlds@list.valvesoftware.com Subject: Re: [hlds] Request to clear steam id's from global ban lists

Hi, I don't think it's silly. Besides Valve accidentally bans people too dude. Nothing is perfect, open your eyes!

We all can agree steambans is not the answer.

In fact if more people adapt to this method I think it will help the
community more than harm! (just my humble opinion)


Alexander Kobbevik wrote:

Maybe this will help people see how bad it is to try to maintain a
banlist where anyone can contribute... Its just silly... and I think
you all know it...

I understand that you are desperate to ban cheaters.. but you are
banning non-cheating players...

Open your eyes....

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of wArgOd
Sent: 8. april 2005 05:11
hlds@list.valvesoftware.com; [EMAIL PROTECTED];
Subject: [hlds] Request to clear steam id's from global ban lists

A review of our ban list turned up some steamid's that should not be banned.

If you are using the global ban list from then please take the time to
remove the following accounts from your banned_user.cfg:


Here is the same set prefixed with the removeid command for easy
running on your server(s):

removeid STEAM_0:1:4973968
removeid STEAM_0:1:1123940
removeid STEAM_0:1:4284202
removeid STEAM_0:0:4167326
removeid STEAM_0:0:3277947
removeid STEAM_0:1:5453208
removeid STEAM_0:0:4379225
removeid STEAM_0:1:5289314
removeid STEAM_0:0:3320503
removeid STEAM_0:1:5332537
removeid STEAM_0:1:4912823
removeid STEAM_0:1:1716825
removeid STEAM_0:1:988502
removeid STEAM_0:1:5860323

Thank you.

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