This is always an interesting discussion, in part because it seems that no
one really understands how it all work on a practical basis, and Valve has
never released a primer that allows us to understand these CVARS properly.
Thanks for the discussion.

I run a 16 person and 10 person Win32 HL2-DM servers on a P-4 3.2 GHz w/ 1
GB RAM on The Planet pipeline in Dallas, TX.  Players report some of the
best performance of any HL2-DM server which is why they are both so popular.
I run Mani's Mod with Pingkicker set at 250ms.  Both have -tickrate 100
settings, and the following netcode CVARS

sv_unlag 1
sv_maxunlag 0.5
fps_max 500
sv_minrate 3000
sv_maxrate 25000
sv_minupdaterate 20
sv_maxupdaterate 80

I get net_graph 3 readings in both servers with the value on the far right
of 16/s & 27/s on both servers from my client.

Then I have another 16 person Win32 HL2-TDM server on Recon Gamer in Dallas
which resolves to pipeline.  It has identical server.cfg CVARS as
above, but don't have command launch line access to add the -tickrate, so it
is whatever the default value is.  On that server I get net_graph readings
of 19/s & 24/s.

I don't know what those values in net_graph really mean, except
fps/ping/loss/choke, nor how server rate settings affect them.  I don't have
any reliable way of knowing what my optimal rate settings should be, except
to look at player performance which as I said has been the best that any
have reported to me for large HL2 servers.

----- Original Message ----- From: "dexion" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: <> Sent: Tuesday, May 17, 2005 2:27 PM Subject: RE: [hlds] Most Updates a second?

Perhaps my understanding of this process is incorrect, but lets look at this a tad.

We are talking about updates a second. Ok, so if our latency to the server
were to be 10, then at best all we could do would be 100updates (10 *
100=1000 or 1 second) If your latency to the server were to be 20 then the
best you could manage would be 50?

I'm quite confused as to how it actually works I could be way off.
ah well I am fine with 33 anyhow :)

-----Original Message----- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Whisper Sent: Tuesday, May 17, 2005 10:28 AM To: Subject: Re: [hlds] Most Updates a second?

-- [ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ] Oh for crying out loud Source will be the death of me Anyhow I tested it out with my client set to cl_updaterate 150 cl_cmdrate 150 and couldn't get above 90 and still stuck at around the 70 updates a second. AND its only the OUT value that seems to be affected, the IN Value seems to be stuck at 66. I wish there was somebody or website that gave concrete answers to what should be straight forward questions.

On 5/17/05, Jesper Sørensen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I'm not sure why this is so, but the setup your are using will result in
about 60-70 updates/s.

If you want to go higher, you need to increase the cl_updaterate - Dont
ask me why, 101 should be enough, but it is not.

This goes for all configurations, for some reason setting
cl_updaterate=tickrate will not result in updates/s=tickrate - But
cl_cmdrate=tickrate*1.4 will....very odd....


> --
> [ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
> Hi guys
> What is the most updates a second you can get a client to receive?
> Even with the following server & client settings we can only seem to
> 66-75 updates a second according to net_graph 3
> *Server*
> sv_maxrate 20000
> sv_maxupdaterate 150
> tickrate 100
> fps_max 300
> 18 players
> *Client*
> rate 20000
> cl_rate 15000
> cl_cmdrate 101
> cl_updaterate 101
> v-sync disabled
> The Server is only 8 hops and 40 Kilometers physically away from me and
> actual wire distance would not be much further and with a consistent
> ping
> I am trying to work out how to get our servers to the magic 100 updates
> second so we can serve out data at a rate that matches the normal 100
> limit enforced on the client side, unfortunately I cannot get above 75
> updates a second on the client side.
> What else do I have to change?
> Is it even possible?
> If it is possible what settings are you using?
> Does tickrate on one SRCDS process affect the tickrate on another SRCDS
> process on the same box like the old HLDS sys_ticrate does?
> Thanks
> --
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