
I never questioned your technical expertise - nor did you mine I believe.

I'm just confirming what you saw on your scoreboard ... Is the same thing
I've seen in-game myself.  But I was also pointing out, which I do NOT think
you realized, about the tickrate 66 ACTUALLY making the net_graph ping
stable in my testing - AND it (in my testing on MY connection and server)
have kept that ping right in-line with the scoreboard ping.  This, you
SPECIFICALLY asked about.  And I will still provide proof for this but I'm
sure (would hope at least) you believe me.  I was not implying one way or
the other that you didn't understand tickrate - but you did ask about it in
a previous response which did not tell me either way whether you did or

It sounds like what you're wanting is an explanation from Valve as to why
these measurements (especially console 'status' ping) do not match each
other - for which that I can not give you.  I was only trying to confirm
what you'd seen as actual fact.

But I will say you did mention in an earlier response that you could hardly
believe your ping was that low in actuality .. But I say to you from looking
at your tracert, it is.  Unless your host would allow ICMP though on that
end, I could not tell you for 100% certaintity.

Again, I obviously can't provide the reason as to why the console 'status'
ping is out of whack .. But can provide you a way to keep your ping from
net_graph in-line with your scoreboard ping - if that is what you're
seeking.  AND that would be assuming that this holds true on your server as
well .. Since I've only noticed this in my testing.  I actually disabled
everything (tickrate back to 33 and srcdsfpsboost off) ... And saw the ping
on net_graph fluctuate right back up to around 70-90ms (when it's normally
50-60ms steady).

It amazes me how people can get so defensive on this mailing list .. And
it's probably one reason I haven't bothered to respond to many questions

Hope this has helped .. As that's all I was trying to do here.  If not, good
luck in your quest.



Whisper <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Kevin, this
> might be useful in getting some idea at what level I am at,
> and where I am coming from when I ask what appear to be on
> the surface "stupid"
> questions
> http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&thread
> id=293285
>  I also have a fair bit of control over the server settings
> of the servers I'm taking screenshots of.
>  I know how many SRCD server processes are on the box and the
> physical specs of the server (Its a beast) and how exactly
> each of them are configured.
>  Investigation also led me to find out this particular server
> which was supposed to be ping boosted, was in fact not. Job
> logged for that thanks Andrew and Dave.
>  I will have a look at your theory though about 66 tickrate,
> as the precise same server I just ramped back up to 66
> tickrate and 100 sv_maxupdaterate and 20000 sv_maxrate now
> that Valve have release this latest patch.
>  It is still my belief though that the 3 so called Latency
> measurments are still extremely out of whack no matter how
> the server is configured, amd I for one would like to know why.
>  Cheers

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