Well it doesn't matter to me unless the servers are available, until
that time I have no interest, so please keep your player issues to the
player oriented forums, thank you.

stalker333 wrote:

Wasn't going to post about this, but every time I look at it, it pisses
me off. Soooo...


DOD:S has been coming soon for almost a year, and now to add insult to
injury, you put ANOTHER game in the coming soon category? Didn't you
learn your lesson the first time?

Not only will it likely be in coming soon for a while still, but don't
you think you should release the game you *already* said was coming
soon, first? If you took a vote of all the DOD players, I'm sure they
would, most of them anyway, rather you release the damn beta at this
point. Let us work the bugs out :P

Now, one other thing. When I paid for HL2, I was told, on your website,
I would get DOD:S. There was no, let me say that again, NO mention of it
not being released yet until you clicked a link to take you to more info
on DOD:S. Didn't see that until after I paid for HL2. May be different
now, but thats how it was when I paid for my copy.

Now, that's fine (not really, but for the purposes of this discussion),
because I know it'll get here one day. However, for those of us who
don't like CS or DM, would be nice to have our mods playable too. So
hows about taking this lost coast group and putting them to work on
DOD:S, get that out the door, then come back to LC. I don't remember
being told I would get LC when I paid for HL2, DOD:S I did.

Ok, that made me feel better.


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