At 06:52 PM 1/18/2006 -0800, Leo wrote:

> Instead of Valve choosing to update in the middle of
>the night the updates always come out during the
>"Prime time" when people are getting home from work
>and trying to hit their servers 4pm - 7pm which no one
>can get to because all the servers are "Out of

        You bring up a couple of interesting thoughts.

If the servers are out of date, then a gazillion clients
have managed to download the updates just fine but the
servers haven't.

Prime time for your area may not be prime time for the rest
of the world.  Valve has said they time their updates for
the fewest users on-line.  Perhaps 4pm CST really is just the
calm before the storm and adjusting to 2pm CST would allow
everybody a little more breathing room, to use one time zone?
As somebody once said, no matter how great you think you are,
there are approximately three billion Chinese who couldn't
care less.  That might be true with Steam usage.

        Perhaps Valve ought to use GMT as the baseline, and
since servers register by region they could update on a
time-zone basis instead of trying to feed the world with
one big spoon?

        Mirrors: the updates aren't that big.  If the updates
can be fed via DNS entries rather than IP's that allows places
like FilePlanet and the like to be brought in for major updates
only, which only lasts a couple of days.

        Alfred?  Any thoughts on these ideas?

                - Dan

* Dan Sorenson      DoD #1066      A.H.M.C. #35     [EMAIL PROTECTED] *
* Vikings?  There ain't no vikings here.  Just us honest farmers.   *
* The town was burning, the villagers were dead.  They didn't need  *
* those sheep anyway.  That's our story and we're sticking to it.   *

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