I have been attempting to understand the magic of cvars...

It seems I can load several items in my various config files (ie:
server.cfg, bot.cfg...) and if I query these items in the console they
may report the values I loaded.

However, when I query these items via cvarlist the values reported are
always some number.

There are so many conflicting listings of cvars for all of these games I
am never entirely sure the cvars in a reference are actually for HL1:CZ.

So, I guess the reason I am posting is to find out if the following
assumptions are correct:

1) If I load an item in the console (item value) and then query the
value with (item) and item returns with a value, the item is a valid
item with a valid value.

2) RE 1: if the item does not return it is not an item.  (It maybe a
command, like: bot_add)

3) If an item takes a text value (like bot_difficulty?) cvarlist output
of bot_difficulty will still be 0.

If I am not asking the right questions, that would be good to know also.


Chorizo Omelet

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