At this point, I had nothing to loose LOL. I suspect it was just one or two
files causing the problem, but I have Calc 4 finals this week and just don't
have time to play with it :-(. Maybe next weekend I can experiment a bit.
For now I'm just going to let it run and see how it does.

very good Ooks, I never overwrote the existing files (leap of faith

It's up and running. Looks like it's working right. I tried to connect
got the infamous Error verifying Steam UserID Ticket when I try to join.
However other players are already there. So I connected via dialup to the
INternet, it lets me in. Disconnected, tried again, and it let me in.
like Error verifying Steam UserID Ticket that others have discussed is
much still alive.

So, this is the trick. After you install HL2MP, you take the files from
half-life source.gcf and half-life deathmatch source.gcf and copy them
to server directory, OVERWRITING any existing files. Once I did that, the
server not only started, but is working. I have players now. Any kind
want to drop by? I'm running at 8 players now, I'm going to just let it
for a while, no mods, no nothing, just stock valve server, and see how
stable it is.

hostname:  Ooks Steaming Pile of Crap
        version : 2733 secure
        udp/ip  :
        map     :  undertow at: 0 x, 0 y, 0 z
        players :  4 (8 max)

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