[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
I am sorry Whisper, I have one more deer pellet to inflict...

Kyle, are you by chance an x-AOL user?

I have heard that x-AOL user often suffer from Post AOL Stress Disorder, they 
are often confused by the web tools that standard ISP allot them, many times 
confusing simple things like e-mail lists and Forums. The best way to resolve 
these issues is to have the x-AOL user stop using there current ISP provider 
and return to the AOL provider where they can once again feel safe on the 
internet. This can often stop the out lashing that x-AOL user often resort to 
when trying to have a normal conversation. You see it's natural to fear 
anything you do not understand, and clearly your ISP has left you in the dark 
when it comes to netiquette. Here is a suggested read 
(http://www.albion.com/netiquette/), maybe after you read that web page you 
will understand that you are being an @sshat...And just as a FYI (as if you 
even read this far, seeing how you tend to read the first 20 words and start 
making the rest up), attacking good resources such as Whisper and others that 
you called out in your rants, is just ignorant and shows your level of 
interrogatory. To be willing to insult so many with out even so much as a real 
reason, I just don't understand it.

Dustin Tuft

> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: hlds@list.valvesoftware.com> Subject: Re: [hlds] 
> Funny> Date: Tue, 22 Aug 2006 09:14:01 +1000> > --> [ Picked text/plain from 
> multipart/alternative ]> Sorry Men> > We have all broken the cardinal rule> > 
> "DON"T FEED THE TROLLS"> > Bye Kyle> > On 8/22/06, Scott Tuttle <[EMAIL 
> PROTECTED]> wrote:> >> > Yeah because I certainly have never posted anything 
> to try to help someone> > on the board.  I never give my opinions like gospel 
> unlike some :cough:> > other people :cough: on the "forums" today.  ROFL.   I 
> guess you have> > forgotten how to assemble and configure a 40 million dollar 
> storage area> > network....> >> > I did read your entire crap post to the 
> mailing list.  And I wasted 20> > seconds of my life in doing so...> >> > Do 
> us all a favor and GO AWAY...> >> > Nobody gives a rats @ss about everything 
> you have "forgotten".  Keep your> > "windows is an inferior OS" opinion to 
> yourself.  I repeat the same thing> > I> > said before, because now it seems 
> even more appropriate, get a clue...> >> > Let's look at your post...> >> > > 
> > It's funny how game server admins as well as game server> > > > providers 
> talk like> > > > they know everything about the games and how best to run 
> them> > > > when they don> > > > t even play them and if they do there just 
> awful.> >> > Wow I can't argue with this logic here... You have no idea what 
> games> > which> > people play or even who is running a gsp or is not.  I am 
> sure a few> > posters> > to the list have their gsp web domains on their 
> email address but I am> > sure> > that many don't.  I have no idea what being 
> able to play a game well has> > to> > do with being able to run a server 
> well.  I am sure you're going to say> > that> > you must be able to play the 
> game to know if it is running well.  But I> > don't believe this is the 
> case.> >> > > > If you don't play STFU and if you do lets see how well you> > 
> > > are at it and> > > > then maybe ill listen to what you have to say about 
> running> > > a server.> >> > STFU... Hmmm that always motivates people to 
> really like you.  I suspect> > you> > were some abused child growing up.  
> Maybe you were picked on in school now> > you want to toss around scary 
> acronyms and swing around your epeen.  I> > still> > don't see a 1 to 1 
> correlation to being able to play a game well and being> > able to offer an 
> optimized well run server experience.  I mean with good> > hardware and a 
> good connection its not hard to make any game server run> > well.> >> > > > 
> Otherwise stop being a bunch of faggoty forum trolls who> > > > can't whoop 
> there> > > > ass out of a paper bag and have zero life except trying to> > > 
> > make everyone> > > > think there server gods.> >> > Never more humble words 
> have been spoken.  I don't know what not being> > able> > to "whoop 
> there[sic] (their) ass out of a paper bag" has to do with> > running> > a 
> smooth game server.  Maybe you can yet again enlighten me.  Nah.> > 
> Nevermind.  Don't even try.> >> > > > I just know I would laugh until I> > > 
> > puked if I> > > > could meet most of you IRL.   You probably pathetic fat> 
> > > slobs that eat> > > > mostly fast food and never see the daylight.> >> > 
> More assumptions.  Yet again you show how intelligent you are based on> > 
> making assumptions and attacking people on the mailing list.> >> > > > Hmm 
> now were was I.....   Oh that's right retired since 1992> > > > at the age 
> of> > > > 41.> >> > Well congrats for you... And it seems all you have time 
> to do is sit> > around> > and make shitting posts on a game server mailing 
> list.  Errr forum... Err> > mailing list... Err forum... Damn I am not sure 
> if it's a mailing list or> > a> > forum.  Maybe you should go outside and 
> play a round of golf like I did> > today.  Leave us alone on the mailing 
> list.  Please.  Thanks.> >> > > >> > > > Fucking lame cunts.> >> > Yep.  More 
> irrefutable evidence.  I am doomed.  I give up.  I think you> > win.> > Keep 
> posting whatever you want to the forums and I will continue to ignore> > 
> everything you post.  Thanks for playing.  Have a great day!> >> > > 
> -----Original Message-----> > > From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]> > > [mailto:[EMAIL 
> PROTECTED] On Behalf Of kyle> > > Sent: Monday, August 21, 2006 5:11 PM> > > 
> To: hlds@list.valvesoftware.com> > > Subject: RE: [hlds] Funny> > >> > > --> 
> > > [ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]> > > Well Scott you have 
> proven what I have been saying all along.  You and> > > others like you are 
> complete fucking morons.> > >> > > This is not a diss windows thread and I'm 
> not dissing> > > windows.  It's simply> > > not the best OS to run a HLDS on. 
>     It's just an inferior OS,  And> > > believe me I have forgotten more 
> about windows then you'll ever know.> > >> > > I am however dissing 40% of 
> the posters on these forums and> > > if you took the> > > time to read an 
> entire post you might have noticed that.  Now> > > Scott you can> > > go back 
> to giving blowjobs to old men down at the local elks club.> > >> > > 
> -------Original Message-------> > >> > > From: Scott Tuttle> > > Date: 
> 08/21/06 06:59:58> > > To: hlds@list.valvesoftware.com> > > Subject: RE: 
> [hlds] Funny> > >> > > If you want to talk about linux go to the linux list 
> and> > > leave us alone.> > >> > > Nobody cares about what you think.   
> Bashing windows on the> > > windows hlds> > > list is just plain stupid.> > 
> >> > > We run a public and a private server on a Windows 2003 server> > > box 
> with 1gb> > > of ram and an iis site that gets 147k hits per day.  We rarely 
> have to> > > reboot this machine (cept for windows updates) and we also> > > 
> run it system> > > timer unlocked.> > >> > > I also run another server with 
> 12 hlds/srcds processes.  All> > > servers have> > > fast downloads enabled 
> and get served from iis running on the> > > same machine.> > > It runs 
> hlstats on a few and generates res files and psychostats> > > automatically.  
> I have very little problems with this machine.> > >> > > Have you considered 
> that maybe you just suck ass with windows> > > and that is> > > why you cant 
> run a stable system with it?  Don't blame the> > > operating system> > > for 
> your lack of skills.  I admit I am not the best with> > > linux but I do 
> like> > > it and have used it in the past.  But this IS the windows hlds 
> list...> > >> > > Get a clue.> > >> > > > -----Original Message-----> > > > 
> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]> > > > [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of kyle> > 
> > > Sent: Monday, August 21, 2006 6:05 AM> > > > To: 
> hlds@list.valvesoftware.com> > > > Subject: [hlds] Funny> > > >> > > > --> > 
> > > [ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]> > > > It's funny how 
> game server admins as well as game server> > > > providers talk like> > > > 
> they know everything about the games and how best to run them> > > > when 
> they don> > > > t even play them and if they do there just awful.> > > >> > > 
> > If you don't play STFU and if you do lets see how well you> > > > are at it 
> and> > > > then maybe ill listen to what you have to say about running> > > a 
> server.> > > >> > > > Otherwise stop being a bunch of faggoty forum trolls 
> who> > > > can't whoop there> > > > ass out of a paper bag and have zero life 
> except trying to> > > > make everyone> > > > think there server gods.   I 
> just know I would laugh until I> > > > puked if I> > > > could meet most of 
> you IRL.   You probably pathetic fat> > > slobs that eat> > > > mostly fast 
> food and never see the daylight.> > > >> > > > Hmm now were was I.....   Oh 
> that's right retired since 1992> > > > at the age of> > > > 41.> > > >> > > > 
> Fucking lame cunts.> > > > --> > > >> > > >> > > >> > > > 
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