Kyle you crack me up:-)

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of kyle
Sent: Wednesday, November 22, 2006 10:12 AM
Subject: RE: [hlds] Server counterpart for cl_restrict_server_commands

[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
You don't even know the definition of forum Troll do you retard.

#1: I post on this forum maybe twice a month so im no forum troll you
pathetic cum drinker.
#2:  Lod is and always has been a bunch of total losers.  fuck off
After having stated my thoughts,  i will no longer respond to you or any
other retard who post on this topic.   and 3rd:  If Alfred wants to
me from this thread thats his right to do so and i respect that which is
more then i can say for you.

Now proceed to stick a rag into your cars gas tank and light it on fire
stand really close to it.
P.S. if you have any relatives get them crowded around the vehicle also.

-------Original Message-------

From: L.o.D.
Date: 11/22/2006 7:58:34 AM
Subject: RE: [hlds] Server counterpart for cl_restrict_server_commands

[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
Oh look, the king troll is calling someone else a troll.
Talk about calling the kettle black.
Kyle, why don't you just unsubscribe & leave the mature people alone
you're not possibly able to not lash out like a child.
I'm surprised Alfred hasn't removed you.

-------Original Message-------

From: kyle
Date: 11/22/06 10:51:06
Subject: RE: [hlds] Server counterpart for cl_restrict_server_commands

[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
Wow your a fucking major TROLL Edward.  I count at least 8 or more
replies in the last hour or so.  You must be the biggest loser with no
fucking life at all to have to skim through every single post and reply
them.    One of your replies just says "Agreed"   you have to comment on
everything dont you.
You must have ZERO friends nerd.
I guess your boyfriend isn't around or your mouth would be full with his
cock and you wouldn't be posting useless nonsense you lame fucking cunt.
STFU AND go die you loser.   I'm fucking tired of getting your lame
responses to other losers lame posts.    this isn't your personal chat
please just kill yourself. your a complete & total loser at life.

-------Original Message-------

From: Edward Luna
Date: 11/22/2006 7:30:58 AM
Subject: RE: [hlds] Server counterpart for cl_restrict_server_commands

"I really don't see why they waste time and money even trying to change
their old software at all. Just what is the goal? "

Can I assume your not in sales or advertising?  New... Improved... even
effective... and 20% off.

-----Original Message-----
From: James Tucker [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, November 22, 2006 7:27 AM
Subject: Re: [hlds] Server counterpart for cl_restrict_server_commands

> To the point with Valve itself in this and other discussions on the
> list. Yes I have seen other big software companies, which habe been
> concerning, reasoning, etc... to the community. But the same thing is
> true for the community itself. I guess it could change a lot, if only
> the mails were written, which came from admins, really dedicated to
> they do, interesstred in solutions. This "bashing" doesn't help a
> and just kills motivation on both sides.

The point is, this implementation did NOT solve the issue as most
servers which are competitive carry non-compatible plugins. The solution
needs a server code replacement for client cvar and alias restriction
WITHOUT running CODE on the CLIENT.  (I'm not shouting at you, I'm
shouting at Valve, I don't know if a design team even saw the problem,
but clearly there is a lack of understanding of what really needs to be
done. To say "we gave users the option of securing their systems, but
you'll not be able to play on most servers now" is simply unnacceptable.

The problem is, users want to:
alias, bind, set customised settings.

Admins want to:
stop bad binds ('wait' removed)
stop bad aliases
stop certain settings from being in CERTAIN RANGES.

These problems could ALL be solved by creating an interface to regexp
checking of client cvars with an optional disconnect of clients with
illegal settings.

This should not require a massive solution, it should require server
side checking of the data that CLIENTS ALREADY SEND TO THE SERVER! with
the exception of binds and aliases, which COULD EASILY BE INTRODUCED and
matched against regexps on the client or the server in order to prevent

Surely the real solution and the real problems are blindingly obvious?
And I have to say, to pay no attention to the plugins used by major
event and league hosts is rather short sighted, and if the company wants
to be so short sighted, I really don't see why they waste time and money
even trying to change their old softare at all. Just what is the goal?
to keep people on their toes? Without paying attention to the community
one can only do damage, and if alot of time is spent doing it, that's
just throwing money out of the boat, and NO ONE can afford to do that.

It is largely similar to the commonly trolled topic of netcode, where it
seems that points are simply ignored for fear of redesign requirements,
when in fact all that needs to be corrected is teh fact that users still
in interp delay prior to death who are registered as dead on the server
can no longer make gameworld interactions. This isn't exactly hard to
fix in the application runtime, and probably involves moving only a few
lines of bugged code, and yet because of the nature of the community,
settings and lack of user oriented documentation, these things never get
dealt with. That's life, and everyone deals with it, but this is where
changes will need to be made to become a truly next generation software
development house, without which eventually they may loose out. Steam is
a great product, but it requires that the company maintain some best
practices, rather than willy-nilly practices like this extremely poor
attempt at client security.


I know the above was a rant, but it's also true. Don't take it as
offence, take it as things that need to change, because that's all it
really means.

Get it sorted properly, for christs sake.

/me goes back into hiding.

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