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Hi there, i don't know why, but when players pass a smoke grenade on the
server the choke increases dramatically for the client that passes the

stats give aprox 400 fps on empty server
win2k3 enterprise updated with all the latests updates, drivers from HP
(hp rack server)

thx in advance for any help.

*server cfg:*
pausable 0
allow_spectators 1
mp_autoteambalance 0
mp_timelimit 30
mp_c4timer 35
mp_freezetime 5
mp_friendlyfire 0
mp_friendly_grenade_damage 0
mp_roundtime 1.75
mp_limitteams 0
mp_tkpunish 1
mp_autokick 1
mp_buytime 0.25
mp_startmoney 800
mp_hostagepenalty 1
mp_forcecamera 0
mp_forcechasecam 0
mp_maxrounds 0
mp_flashlight 1
mp_footsteps 1
mp_fadetoblack 0
mp_autocrosshair 0
sv_lan 0
sv_aim 0
sv_cheats 0
sv_airmove 1
sv_airaccelerate 10
sv_alltalk 0
sv_proxies 0

fps_max 1000
sys_ticrate 1000

sv_maxspeed 320
sv_gravity 800

sv_maxrate 25000
sv_minrate 20000
sv_maxupdaterate 101
sv_minupdaterate 60

log on
mp_logdetail 1
mp_logmessages 1

sv_region 3

*server bat start file:*
cd steam/hlds
hlds.exe -console -game cstrike +hostname " #1 | Dust2Only"
+ip +port 27015 +maxplayers 20 +map de_dust2 -tos

*metamod plugins:*
win32 addons\amxmodx\dlls\amxmodx_mm.dll
win32 addons\hlguard\dlls\hlguard_mm_optimized.dll

*amxx 1.80 plugins:*
; AMX Mod X plugins

; Admin Base - Always one has to be activated
;admin.amxx        ; admin base (required for any admin-related)
;admin_sql.amxx        ; admin base - SQL version (comment admin.amxx)

; Basic
admincmd.amxx        ; basic admin console commands
;adminhelp.amxx        ; help command for admin console commands
;adminslots.amxx    ; slot reservation
multilingual.amxx    ; Multi-Lingual management

; Menus
menufront.amxx        ; front-end for admin menus
cmdmenu.amxx        ; command menu (speech, settings)
plmenu.amxx        ; players menu (kick, ban, client cmds.)
;telemenu.amxx        ; teleport menu (Fun Module required!)
;mapsmenu.amxx        ; maps menu (vote, changelevel)

; Chat / Messages
adminchat.amxx        ; console chat commands
;antiflood.amxx        ; prevent clients from chat-flooding the server
scrollmsg.amxx        ; displays a scrolling message
imessage.amxx        ; displays information messages
;adminvote.amxx        ; vote commands

; Map related
nextmap.amxx        ; displays next map in mapcycle
;mapchooser.amxx    ; allows to vote for next map
;timeleft.amxx        ; displays time left on map

; Configuration
;pausecfg.amxx        ; allows to pause and unpause some plugins
statscfg.amxx        ; allows to manage stats plugins via menu and commands

; Counter-Strike
restmenu.amxx        ; restrict weapons menu
statsx.amxx        ; stats on death or round end (CSX Module required!)
miscstats.amxx        ; bunch of events announcement for Counter-Strike
stats_logging.amxx    ; weapons stats logging (CSX Module required!)

; Enable to use AMX Mod plugins
;amxmod_compat.amxx    ; AMX Mod backwards compatibility layer

; Custom - Add 3rd party plugins here


; To enable a module, remove the semi-colon (;) in front of its name.
; If it's not here, simply add it its name, one per line.
; You don't need to write the _amxx part or the file extension.

;; SQL Modules usually need to be enabled manually ;;
;; You can have any number on at a time.  Use      ;;
;;  amx_sql_type in sql.cfg to specify the default ;;


;; Put third party modules below here.              ;;
;; You can just list their names, without the _amxx ;;
;;  or file extension.                              ;;

;; These modules will be auto-detected and loaded   ;;
;;  as needed.  You do not need to enable them here ;;
;;  unless you have problems.                       ;;


*hlguard config:*

// Half-Life Guard 1.8 Main Config File
// For support, feedback and info visit:

// Main settings
hlguard 1 off    // Aimbot Warning System (Abandoned, no support)
hlguard 2 on    // Alias Detection
hlguard 3 on    // Rapid/BurstFire Detection
hlguard 4 on    // WallHack Blocking
hlguard 5 off    // SpeedHack Blocking (Abandoned, no support)
hlguard 6 off    // Steambans Client - Please read below before enabling.
hlguard 7 on    // Nameban/Rapid Name Change Detection
hlguard 8 on    // SkyWalk Guard

// Steambans Client License details
// All users of HLGuard get an automatic 30 day trial at SteamBans.
// All you need to do is to enable the SteamBans client above with the
default settings below.
// Once the 30 day trial is over you must sign up as a team to continue
using the SteamBans
// client in HLGuard. See for more information.
hlg_sb_licenseid "2102"    // Default: "2102"
hlg_sb_licensecode ""    // Default: ""

// HLGuard config auto-update
hlg_autoupdateconfigs 1    // Default: 1

// Alias Detection configs
hlg_exec addons/hlguard/config/%M/hlg_mod.cfg    // Individual mod
configuration file. Comment out if you run another mod than
hlg_exec addons/hlguard/config/hl/hlg_mod.cfg    // Any mod
configuration file

// Custom Configs
hlg_exec addons/hlguard/config/hlg_custom.cfg    // Custom detections,
actions, ...
hlg_exec addons/hlguard/config/hlg_swgzones.cfg    // Custom SkyWalk
Guard zones

// Alias Scanning completed messages
// One-Time messages
// hlg_action "a:not found" "hlg_clexec #%u \';alias hlgauth\';say
\'[HLGUARD] %n completed the HLGuard alias scan.\'"
// Repeating messages
// hlg_action "a:not found" "say \'[HLGUARD] %n completed the HLGuard
alias scan.\'"

// HLGuard mode
// Use ONE of these config files designed for InterNET, LAN and LEAGUE
hlg_loadmode net    // InterNET mode - Bans by UniqueID
// hlg_loadmode lan    // LAN mode - Bans by IP address
// hlg_loadmode league    // League mode - Only logs and displays cheats

// Nameban
// Please review hlg_nameban.cfg before enabling
// hlg_exec addons/hlguard/config/hlg_nameban.cfg

// HLGuard in-game menu. Requires password set in hlg_menu.cfg to function
hlg_exec addons/hlguard/config/hlg_menu.cfg

// In-game agreement. Customize message in hlg_agreement.cfg and
uncomment to enable.
// hlg_exec addons/hlguard/config/hlg_agreement.cfg

// Advanced settings
hlg_quiet 0             // Default: 0        // Quiet mode - 0 =
"protected by..", 1 = no msg
hlg_repeat 3            // Default: 3        // Number of times to
repeat Alias detection before banning.
hlg_startdelay 0        // Default: 0        // Number of seconds the
Agreement/first scan will be delayed.
hlg_namechangeban "4:10"    // Default: "4:10"    // First Number =
Number of name changes Maximum, Second Number = Within x seconds.
hlg_showswzones 0        // Default: 0        // Show SkyWalk Guard
zones in-game?

// Log file settings
hlg_logfolder "addons/hlguard/logs"    // Default:
"addons/hlguard/logs"    // Folder to store all HLGuard logs.
hlg_logfile "hlglog.log"        // Default: "hlglog.log"        //
Logfile to log all HLGuard events to (copy of all loggings to HL logs)

// Announce format
// Syntax: <red>:<green>:<blue>:<x pos>:<y pos>:<effect>:<effect
time>:<hold time>:<fade in time>:<fade out time>
// Default:   "200:100:10:0.01:0.65:1:10:9:0:1"
hlg_sayformat "200:100:10:0.01:0.65:1:10:9:0:1"

// Aimbot Warning System settings (Abandoned, not updated, no support)
hlg_aimbotlevel 30        // Default: 30        // Aimbot sensitivity -
0 = Everyone, 100 = No aimbot is that good.
hlg_aimbotrepeat 3        // Default: 3        // Number of Aimbot
Warnings required before actioning.
hlg_aimbottimeout 10        // Default: 10        // Number of minutes
when all Aimbot warning are cleared.

//Rikard 'Zapy' Bremark
Warzone Short Valley -


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