I have just completed reading volume 126, and I must make a comment which I 
would hope will be considered. Eric spoke of the matchmaking browser as a way 
to "market"dedicated slots on a server. lets take Team fortress 2  for example. 
I would like you to take the time and browse through the server list. okay so 
you found a server you would like to connect to and you connect. upon the 
completion of the client loading and starting you are greeted by the messege 
that the server is full only reserved slots available
as both a gamer and consumer." I,ve already paid for the game, now i,ve got to 
pay a sysop for a spot on his server" ? guess what I,m going to another server.
this is not xbox live, this is not windows media center. what would you do if 
you bought a house and the realitor told you you can live in it as long as you 
pay the occupancy fee.  
I,VE GOTTA TELL YOU THAT THE PLAYERS ARE PISSED. I am pissed, so I can set this 
server to accept incoming clients from the matchmaker, or i can set it to 
accept incoming clients from the browser. but i cant do both ! wrong wrong 
wrong I have a clan that is screaming at me for answers which i dont have and 
on top of it all i,m gonna have to reinstall the whole thing next week. tell ya 
what how bout this, you guys can pay the sysops for hosting your game.

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