OK so my original rules probably didn't make a lot of sense.

My point is that there are still issues related to griefing that can be
addressed by an auto-kick.  The vote kick mechansim can be thwarted by
simply having two people on the same team griefing the other two members.
In my particular scenario I was playing versus which bars one team from vote
kicking members of the other team, so it was a hopeless cause and six of the
eight players had to find another lobby.

I still believe there are a few additional features that can help prevent
this type of behavior:

   - Black listing players from your lobby/session.  This replaces the
   reliance of administrated servers and helps the community weed out the bad
   apples.  The system could go one step further and assign a community rating
   as a warning.  Granted this system can be abused, but I think Valve can
   figure out a good median (e.g. higher rated players adorning a player with a
   low rating -OR- many higher rated, unrelated players adorning a player with
   a low score).
   - Auto-kicking for repeatedly downing a teammate.  Valve can determine
   the % of hits by a teammate and take care of this.  If a member rejoins the
   server and continues to TK, then the lobby leader can ban them from the

I wouldn't want to rely on a mod to accomplish these features because the
majority of the users will want to play on pure servers.  TF2 has degraded
into a mess of sound mods and adjusted respawns that break all the popular
payload and defense maps.
Some of this requires signficant backend work, but I think if Valve figures
out the issue when someone swaps teams upon changelevel then they'll be in a
better position to grant more power to the lobby system to help police
behavior.  Just a guess.
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