It be nice if there were official support for multiple arena servers...You
could try using alias.

For your second arena server add this to it's serverwhatever.cfg (order

mapcyclefile "arena2_mapcycle"
alias mapcyclefile

And on the start up parameters for server2 just add +exec serverwhatever

This way the original arena_config.cfg won't overwrite your mapcycle,

Note: The new mapcycle file might only take effect next map. Also you can
alias any other commands you don't want the original arena_config to

On Mon, Nov 23, 2009 at 1:38 AM, Nick Turner <> wrote:

> How does one run multiple Arena servers from a single install directory?
> When I comment out the mapcyclefile entry in config_arena.cfg the server
> loads arena_mapcycle.txt no matter what.
> I have mapcyclefile specified on the command line, and in the custom server
> config I'm specifying (on the command line) but the server executes
> config_arena.cfg after map load and - even if that file is completely empty
> - changes the mapcyclefile to the arena one.
> If I specify a mapcyclefile inside config_arena.cfg then that one is loaded
> correctly, but this means I can only have 1 arena maplist per SRCDS install
> directory.
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