Update on this -

I got a response from cet.com claiming that the owner of the
thaiguy.net/st3gaming server had given shell access to a friend who
had then abused the privilege by running a flood script. This seems
like a rather fishy explanation to me, given that i've found logs of
'thaiguy' playing in the DoS'd server, but I'll leave it at that for

> dumb question, but how can you (read I) tell if a DOS attack is happening
> and how do you obtain their IP. Thanks

The server was lagging horribly (nearly unplayable), on a server that
is usually near perfect. The lag abbruptly stopped minutes later, then
a few more ~5-10 minute lag episodes occured. Finding no other issues,
and no other affected servers, i suspected an attack (like the old
query packet spam) and setup tcpdump (e.g. tcpdump -w dumpfile -i
eth1). Next time it happened I took a look at the packet dump (as in,
compress it, download it, open it in wireshark) and found that 80% of
all traffic was 300byte packets from one ip.

- Neph

On Sun, Jan 24, 2010 at 12:10 AM, Nephyrin Zey <nephy...@doublezen.net> wrote:
> So earlier today one of my servers was lagging - badly. By time I showed up
> the lag had cleared. Then again. Then again. Each time for about 5-10
> minutes it would lag, and by time I'd shown up, it was gone. Finally, I
> caught the lag happening directly. No unusual FPS or CPU usage spikes, so i
> ran a tcpdump for about 5 seconds. It captured 230,000 packets. Holy shit!
> A quick analysis shows that '' was flooding the server with
> almost exactly *32,000* packets per second, each containing the bytes
> 'flood', followed by 295 null bytes, for a total of 300 bytes. With IP
> overhead this is is about 88 megabits/second, or suspiciously close to
> 100megs/second. I have a gigabit connection, however, srcds itself cannot
> handle 88mbs of invalid packets without going to lagsville.
> I'm emailing an abuse report to his host now, but everyone should have a
> heads up that this is occuring. The fact that it was going on for 5 minutes
> at a time a few times an hour suggests he has some script making the rounds
> against popular servers, or some such.
> As for this attack in general, using iptables or a similar tool to limit UDP
> traffic to server ports to 100/second or so with a small burst should
> prevent any traffic at a higher rate than normal game traffic from hitting
> the process, though if you have a 100mbit or less connection the classic DoS
> aspect of it might lag you out anyway.
> - Neph
> ** Begin internet detective **
> IP:
> Resolves to: bigboomer.thaiguy.net
> Host: cet.com
> IPs in this netblock (all belonging to cet.com): -
> thaiguy.net is
> This, uncoincidentally, also belongs to cet.com in the block: -
> And in what I'm sure is a huge coincidence:
> gateway.thaiguy.net
> thaiguy.net
> dayofdefeat.thaiguy.net
> teamspeak.st3games.com
> battlefield1942.thaiguy.net
> st3-webhost.cet.com
> dcon.st3games.com
> zmod.st3games.com (CSS Server: "Zombie Mayhem! #1")
> (CSS Server: "[ST3Gaming.com] GG Advanced - Home of gK?")
> database.thaiguy.net
> (TF2 Server: "[ST3Gaming.com] 24/7
> DustBowl/Stats/InstaSpawn/") (( Did I mention the server has was attacking
> of mine was 24/7 dustbowl? ))
> ns0.thaiguy.net
> ns1.thaiguy.net
> Gee, tf2 servers on his netblock. Of the same type as the one he was
> attacking. What's all this st3games.com stuff? Oh, they have forums and a
> steamgroup.
> http://steamcommunity.com/groups/ST3
> Oh, and the forum head admin username is "Novikane". Weird that:
> http://steamcommunity.com/id/novikane
> Is an admin of this group.
> ** End internet detective **

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