ok, we're having issues getting replay and sourcetv to run side by side on windows. We can get it working on our linux box though withought problems. I've posted on the forums under the relevant thread however im not sure how many of you guys frequent them so posted here to get a better response (hopefully) :D

here's the command line in windows

c:\UserFiles\user\GameServers\TC348018116743178466 78316\orangebox\srcds.exe -console -game tf +ip xx.xx.xx.xx -port 27015 +maxplayers 19 +exec server.cfg +tv_enable 1 +tv_port 27025 +tv_maxclients 20 -tickrate 66 -replayserverdir match4 -replay_port 27041 +map ctf_2fort

here's the config

replay_enable 1
replay_record 1
replay_fileserver_offload_enable 1
replay_fileserver_offload_hostname "www.ourhost.eu"
replay_fileserver_offload_login "username"
replay_fileserver_offload_maxuploads 24
replay_fileserver_offload_password "password"
replay_fileserver_offload_protocol "ftp"
replay_fileserver_offload_port "21"
replay_fileserver_offload_remotepath ""
replay_fileserver_path "/tf2/replays"
replay_fileserver_port 80
replay_fileserver_protocol "http"
replay_port 27041

the server comes up but when a few people join it then crashes. I was just testing it with someone so there were 2 of us on and it was fine until he shot a rocket, then it crashed.

the command line in linux is

./srcds_run -game tf -norestart -ip xx.xx.xx.xx -port 27019 -maxplayers 18 +tv_port 27029

yeah there are differences in the cmd lines but the linux servers configs are built from indiviual files through symlinking.

we did alter the windows command line to be

c:\UserFiles\user\GameServers\TC348018116743178466 78316\orangebox\srcds.exe -console -game tf +ip xx.xx.xx.xx -port 27015 +maxplayers 19 +exec server.cfg +tv_port 27025 +tv_maxclients 20 -tickrate 66 +map ctf_2fort

still to no avail.

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