On 10/16/2011 10:07 PM, G. Hutchinson wrote:
I wish Valve would issue a recommended server.cfg with a future release of TF2. They could call it RecommendedServer.cfg or such so that it would not overwrite those who want to keep their cfg's, and those of us that would be happy with the recommended could just rename, fill in the blanks and use. I still have that netsplit cvar in mine from years ago and have no idea if it does anything.

Personally, I'd wish they'd go a step further.

Valve now runs public TF2 servers. Why not put together a couple blog posts that get into how they're doing it. Things I'd like to know:
- What O/S
- What hardware, incl CPU & RAM
- How many TF2 servers per hardware node
- How much CPU/RAM they 'allocate' for each TF2 server
- How much bandwidth are they using
- What, if any, O/S tuning have they done.
- What is their server config. Why did they choose the options that they did.
- How do they handle server crashes, etc.

Bottom line: The more Valve talks with us about this stuff, the better job we do providing high quality server instances for our friends and their customers.

I've noticed a sharp uptick in the number of Valve posts recently; I hope this increased dialog continues so that we can all benefit.

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