Please update your servers to receive the update. Changelog is below.

Weapons and slots

 * Frag grenades now vaporize other thrown frag grenades in blast radius.
 * Medpacks now have unlimited "ammo". (Still only one can be placed at
   a time, per person).
 * Saboteur's REDs now use grenade slot.
 * Added secondary weapon slot for sidearms. (Weapon slot binds will be
   reset to default).
 * P900 is now enabled for players that have reached level 60.

Commanders may now set a default spawn area

 * Transport gates in default area will show in purple color on minimap.
 * Default spawn area will show as purple on spawn point map.
 * Manually changing spawn location for self will override default
   until a new default is set by commander.

Added ammopacks for Support Engineer

 * Engineer has a max of three ammopacks.
 * Ammopacks follow same supply rules as supply station, but do not refill.
 * Ammopacks do not supply more ammopacks
 * Ammopacks disappear when depleted or after 45 seconds.

Added hypospray device for Support Medic

 * Hypospray has a max of two charges
 * Hypospray can be used on a teammate or on self (alt-fire).
 * Hypospray effect gives 15 seconds of 80% damage reduction to self.
 * Units under the effect of hypospray cannot be healed.

Added artillery strike calls

 * Commanders may now enable artillery strike calls on artillery
 * Players may call own artillery strikes from radial menu.
 * First in-range artillery that is enabled for calls and ready to fire
   will attack area designated by caller.

Other enhancements

 * Enabled attack notifications, health, and round timer in commander view.
 * Added minimap blips for some player radio calls.

General Fixes

 * Fixed squad appearances not getting reset on team change.
 * Player stats now get updated when map changes mid-round.
 * Updated armblade crosshair to be more noticeable when in stab range.
 * Fixed multiple issues with Around the Track achievement.
 * Fixed Mac client crash when joining a server with custom files and
   sv_downloadurl enabled.
 * Fixed an issue causing medpacks to not affect certain players.
 * Fixed medpacks healing enemies.
 * Fixed a case where turrets would not decloak a stealth unit.
 * Fixed turrets continuing to fire at out-of-range enemies after
   locking on.
 * Fixed heartbeat sound sometimes getting 'stuck' as well as some
   related performance issues.
 * Fixed issues with heartbeat and bloodsplatter when spectating.
 * Fixed an issue where players could spawn with advanced kits at round
 * Fixed issues with Add Server to Favorites dialog box.
 * Fixed scaling of MOTD window.
 * Fixed being able to stack buildings by having multiple assemblers
 * Fixed some chat notifications not displaying (name changes, cvar
   changes, and more).

Server changes

 * Added oilfield_beta to default mapcycle and maplist.
 * Removed mapcycle, motd, and motdtext from vpk files so that custom
   ones can be used more easily.
 * Enabled mapcyclefile cvar.
 * Added sv_allow_voice_from_file cvar to allow server owners to stop
   voice file spam.
 * Added support for sv_logsecret and S2A_LOGSTRING2 log packets.
 * Servers with alltalk or friendlyfire enabled are now automatically
   tagged in the server browser.
 * Empty servers are no longer tagged with "empty" to reduce clutter.
 * Team names on player name change logging are now consistent with
   other logging.
 * Fixed medkit_heal event always have 0 for "ownerid" property.
 * Added "weapon" property to structure_death event.
 * Updated team balancer to be more likely to keep squads together.

*Map changes
*Oilfield Beta

 * Additional optimizing pass throughout the map
 * Relocated watchtower at the Empire Secondary point, to avoid
   assembler sniping
 * Added more cover around both faction areas, to avoid base sniping
 * Fixed invisible wall near the broken airplane
 * Fixed invisible wall blocking off the pipelines on the edge of the level
 * Fixed props disappearing at the primary point in rts mode
 * Fixed stairs to low in storage building
 * Increased amount of resource points
 * Fixed collision on the large oiltank
 * Fixed airplane wheel collisions blocking player
 * Fixed ladders not climeable on fueltrucks
 * Added climeable ladders for the oil silos throughout the level
 * Fixed able to fall between the two buildings and get stuck near the
   helicopter platform
 * Fixed several small issues throughout the level
 * Decreased lightmap scale for better shadow casting
 * Fixed several texture overlapping issues
 * Removed ladders from oil derricks in the playable level (separated


 * Fixed missing brush in the corner near the Empire base
 * Rebuild nav mesh for bots


 * Fixed commander able to build in the primary pit
 * Added a few extra no-build areas to avoid structures being deployed
   inside buildings.

All maps

 * Improved Primary bunker collision model
 * Improved collision for the small metal stairs in Hydro
 * Fixed primary console collision models


 * Changed default skybox to Tokyo
 * Removed some L4d2 related parameters

Nicholas "psychonic" Hastings
InterWave Studios <>
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