This is a request for Fletcher and Eric (and any other valve employ), i was
wondering if its possible for you guys to update the idle management system
in TF2. Personally i currently am not satisfied with the current system so
i use a plugin by name of AFK Manager and i believe many popular server
owners use that as well to keep idlers off! Now the plugin works fine (in
fact it works GREAT), however as a server owner i like to use as few
sourcemod plugins as possible to get the job done  just because there is
less to update and keep track of (just a personal pet peeve for me). Anyway
currently i believe there exist 2 cvars that control idling:

// Maximum time a player is allowed to be idle (in minutes), made this
and sv_timeout equal same time?
mp_idlemaxtime 15

// Deals with idle players 1=send to spectator 2=kick
mp_idledealmethod 2

(Source: TF2 Official Wiki)

This is just for me but i think it applies to many people. Some people who
trade and such or are just afk for a few minutes are sent to spectators if
the given Cvar is set to 1. Is it possible to make another cvar that states
when players are spectator and are idling again for idlemaxtime, kicks
them? That way players who are just temporarily not in the game can just
come back to it by joining the team and players who are truly idling are
kicked. This way i have one less plugin to worry about.

Any consideration on this would be much appreciated! Also feedback for
other Cvars that possible could be added or maybe existing ones that could
be changed would be appreciated!

P.S: People of HLDS if you are either going to recommend me to another
sourcemod plugin that does this, i am not interested. Just telling you in
advance so it does not add clutter to the discussion.
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