I am trying to host a Killing Floor 2 server for early access, and am having
a problem


When I install on my win 7 desktop machine, everything works fine. 


But when I install it on my win 2008r2 vds machine, nothing.

No launch, no error, no nothing.  They are both 64 bit operating system


I put a 'pause' line into the bat file in case there was an error message,
nothing.   But even on the system that works, that initial window closes
without doing anything, then a new window opens with the server running.
That new window isn't getting launched in my vds.

And this happens whether I use the default launch bat file, or use a command
line to launch.


I had thought maybe they left some video dependency in the prior beta code,
but cant believe that would be the case for the early access version, so im
at a loss.


Any ideas?  Im not new to this server thing, this is the first time I have
had to ask for this type of help to get something up, but im stumped.


Is there some dependency I missed?



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