And btw.

Proxying to lists?

A good indicator of criminals using these lists.
Perhaps proxy mails should be banned from signing up on these lists.

Including some friends in this one...


On Sun, Dec 10, 2023 at 1:50 PM StealthMode Hu <>

> Tomorrow I call Google.
> And he loses his Google Services.
> Hes going to have to understand.
> And find out the hard way.
> And any accounts associated with that.
> Including his Telephones registered Google Services.
> Will be shut down.
> Guess some people dont know.
> Me and Google and like me and Valve.
> Old friends.
> Going back to 1999.
> EndComms.
> -StealthMode
> On Sun, Dec 10, 2023 at 1:46 PM StealthMode Hu <>
> wrote:
>> These are attempts to cyberbully people off of these lists.
>> I wonder how many Valve Customers were Victims of Valve failing to manage
>> their lists properly.
>> Meanwhile, this latest crime.
>> Well Paddi there is going away for a long time soon.
>> Now hes really screwed up.
>> GNU Linux newsletter signups?
>> You do know I speak with these people regularly as an Applied Physicist:
>> electronics engineer, with specializations in Computer Science, and
>> Information Technology?
>> " Paddi " is about to be charged in multiple nations.
>> Will likely be going away for quite a while.
>> As he is committing crimes in multiple nation-states jurisdictions.
>> And I dont think he realizes.
>> Im not the average person.
>> And cant be bullied.
>> -StealthMode
>> On Sun, Dec 10, 2023 at 1:42 PM StealthMode Hu <>
>> wrote:
>>> From 9pm last night to still going on....
>>> 125+ emails.
>>> 15 hrs of no life. A really psychotic individual that " Puddi Smith ".
>>> I wonder how many other Victims he has on this list.
>>> On Sun, Dec 10, 2023 at 1:31 PM StealthMode Hu <
>>>> wrote:
>>>> One last thing....
>>>> For the psychotic person,, aka :" Puddi
>>>> Smith ".
>>>> Everyone of those companies you abused your prveleges with last night/
>>>> Got a msg sent to their I.T. departments, and in house Security.
>>>> Quote:
>>>> I did not sign up for anything with you.
>>>> Please pull the server IP traffic logs for this email / signup.
>>>> Cross reference whatever time on your system logs that this email was
>>>> used to signup for anything from your company.
>>>> Now log that connection IP address.
>>>> Contact Law Enforcement please.
>>>> Someone is using your website to Harass me.
>>>> This is the 50th email tonight, saying I signed up for something that I
>>>> havent.
>>>> Thanks in advance.
>>>> -StealthMode
>>>> EndQuote.
>>>> So each of those 100+ websites you illegal used my email on?
>>>> Along with Valve.
>>>> Are now recording your information.
>>>> You ARE going to be prosecuted over this.
>>>> And you will never be near a Computer again.
>>>> Cya.
>>>> -StealthMode
>>>> On Sun, Dec 10, 2023 at 1:27 PM StealthMode Hu <
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Oh yeah one more thing on this topic....
>>>>> Then I walk away from THIS thread.
>>>>> I have been on these lists for over 24 years.
>>>>> Ive seen in those years quite a few of you out there.
>>>>> Evidence in the List Archives.
>>>>> Who have committed Crimes against others on these lists.
>>>>> So I will say this and walk away.
>>>>> You control no one but yourselves.
>>>>> Have a good day.
>>>>> -StealthMode
>>>>> On Sun, Dec 10, 2023 at 1:20 PM StealthMode Hu <
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Hey gunman....
>>>>>> Worry about yourself.
>>>>>> Stop trying to impose your Will on others.
>>>>>> This isnt Communism, nor Socialism. Let alone National Socialism.
>>>>>> I find it ironic though.
>>>>>> How those with Psych Disorders try to bring that up.
>>>>>> Come talk to me when you know Zen and Advanced Psychology & Neurology
>>>>>> Fact is, some of yall, and ONE especially are Psychotic.
>>>>>> Do you know I have over 100+ emails of signups for newsletters, and
>>>>>> mailing lists.
>>>>>> From a mentally deranged lunatic on this list?
>>>>>> Illegally using my email address.
>>>>>> In a form of Indirect 3rd party harassment and stalking?
>>>>>> That person is already going to jail.
>>>>>> Keep trying to OPPRESS and IMPOSE on others FREE WILL.
>>>>>> I have broken no rules, I have followed all list policies.
>>>>>> And here yall are.
>>>>>> Manifesting your Psychosis for the World to eee.
>>>>>> Newsflash " Gun " man.
>>>>>> You do not control A-N-Y-O-N-E but yourself.
>>>>>> A lot of yall are Domestically Violent in your Personal Lives.
>>>>>> You can tell by your behaviors on these lists.
>>>>>> Meanwhile, I will post to this list.
>>>>>> I will identify issues related to HLDS, SOURCEDS, SOURCE2DS.
>>>>>> I will identify issues, and suggestions to IMPROVE MANAGEMENT of
>>>>>> these LISTS.
>>>>>> And I will continue to provide good information about relevant
>>>>>> projects to Valve.
>>>>>> My best advice to those on these lists that keep trying to impose on
>>>>>> free will.
>>>>>> That continue to grief, harass, and attempt to cyberstalk / cyber
>>>>>> bully.
>>>>>> Members of this list OFF of this list.
>>>>>> Well yall Criminals sit tight.
>>>>>> Thats what the FBI IC3 & Interpol is for.
>>>>>> Have a nice day!
>>>>>> -StealthMode
>>>>>> On Sun, Dec 10, 2023 at 7:54 AM Underqualified Gunman <
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Don't feed Hu he's either a troll or mentally unwell best thing to
>>>>>>> do is ignore him.
>>>>>>> On Sunday, December 10, 2023, StealthMode Hu <
>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> 3 hrs now.
>>>>>>>> 60+ emails.
>>>>>>>> Having fun " Puddi Smith "?
>>>>>>>> Is this how you waste your life?
>>>>>>>> I'm out at the bar. Have fun in Prison.
>>>>>>>> Valve and Eric will ban you from this list Monday.
>>>>>>>> Then you won't be logging in to Steam anymore.
>>>>>>>> Then all those websites you illegally used my email address at?
>>>>>>>> They will block & ban you as well.
>>>>>>>> And then. You get to go to a nice Forensic Psychiatric Unit. While
>>>>>>>> awaiting Trial.
>>>>>>>> Any other Victim of this malicious style of attack over the years (
>>>>>>>> email address gets bombed by random email subscriptions, after posting 
>>>>>>>> a
>>>>>>>> msg to this list. )
>>>>>>>> Contact law enforcement as well.
>>>>>>>> The person who has used this list to gather your email address and
>>>>>>>> maliciously use them has been located, and identified.
>>>>>>>> Feel free to let Valve Security know. To document how many times
>>>>>>>> hes done this.
>>>>>>>> Have a good weekend everyone else.
>>>>>>>> /SlamsJamesonTripleShot
>>>>>>>> Booyah.
>>>>>>>> -Stealth
>>>>>>>> On Sun, Dec 10, 2023, 00:00 StealthMode Hu <
>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Having fun Fictitious Name Puddi Smith aka
>>>>>>>>> You do realize.
>>>>>>>>> You are going to be banned from these mailing lists by IP?
>>>>>>>>> You are going to have your STEAM acct banned as well.
>>>>>>>>> And likely once located, you wont be running any Dedicated Servers.
>>>>>>>>> Especially when you are in Jail for the next 6-18 months.
>>>>>>>>> You have a very, very bad Psychological Disorder.
>>>>>>>>> And will need extensive In-Patient Psychiatric Therapy and
>>>>>>>>> Treatment.
>>>>>>>>> 45+ email lists now, over 2 1/2 hrs.
>>>>>>>>> All documented. all contacted.
>>>>>>>>> All saving Evidence, and contacting their Local Law Enforcement.
>>>>>>>>> All being coordinated through the US FBI IC3 Office.
>>>>>>>>> I know you live in Michigan too.
>>>>>>>>> I also know most of those sites.
>>>>>>>>> Are websites you hold accounts with.
>>>>>>>>> Which you are going to lose probably monday/tuesday.
>>>>>>>>> Then they will be there to Arrest you.
>>>>>>>>> In the meanwhile?
>>>>>>>>> I will still be here using the lists.
>>>>>>>>> I have to ask.
>>>>>>>>> What is broken in your brain?
>>>>>>>>> That you feel that you are in any way being rational, or logical
>>>>>>>>> in your behavior?
>>>>>>>>> And do you know.
>>>>>>>>> When this is all said and done.
>>>>>>>>> They ( VALVe ) will find out you have been doing this for years to
>>>>>>>>> people on these lists.
>>>>>>>>> Which is going to put you away from even longer.
>>>>>>>>> As you have created many Victims from your Abuse over the Years.
>>>>>>>>> And theft of Online Identity. Fraudulently using others Email
>>>>>>>>> Addresses.
>>>>>>>>> To commit the Criminal Act of Harassment, and Stalking that
>>>>>>>>> crosses State Lines.
>>>>>>>>> So enjoy the break from real life.
>>>>>>>>> In that 8 x 10 cell. Dont worry about ever being near a Computer
>>>>>>>>> again.
>>>>>>>>> That will be a condition of your Parole.
>>>>>>>>> -StealthMode
>>>>>>>>> On Sat, Dec 9, 2023 at 11:46 PM StealthMode Hu <
>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Have a nice day Dumbass.
>>>>>>>>>> -StealthMode
>>>>>>>>>> On Sat, Dec 9, 2023 at 11:45 PM StealthMode Hu <
>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> Robertknoxvilleworld@
>>>>>>>>>>> You now have a Warrant being issued for your Arrest.
>>>>>>>>>>> And each one of those sites?
>>>>>>>>>>> I know you are a Member of.
>>>>>>>>>>> Your account on those sites, including this one?
>>>>>>>>>>> Will be banned by IP ADDRESS.
>>>>>>>>>>> Just to make sure you never get to use the Internet again To
>>>>>>>>>>> Harass, or Cyber-Stalk.
>>>>>>>>>>> I also contacted the IC3 @ the US Fbi.
>>>>>>>>>>> On Sat, Dec 9, 2023 at 11:32 PM StealthMode Hu <
>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> Hey Puddi.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Enjoy the Jail Cell there.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Got ya.
>>>>>>>>>>>> On Sat, Dec 9, 2023 at 11:20 PM StealthMode Hu <
>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Its ok to the Mentally Defective person on this list.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Abusing their Privileges to be a Member of this List.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> The illegal use for over two hours now of Criminal Behaviors
>>>>>>>>>>>>> on 25+ websites.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Is all easily connected to your MAC ADDRESS. And Ipv4 / Ipv6.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Between all of these websites, and this mailing list.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Only one MAC/Ipv4/IPv6 address will be common between all 26.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> And that makes you the one to be it.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Know whats neat about Google Mail?
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Each mail I get, has a nice UNSUBSCRIBE button next to it.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> So once I contact each sites SUPPORT email?
>>>>>>>>>>>>> And the LOGFILES get documented as Evidence from each one of
>>>>>>>>>>>>> those websites ( including VALVe ) ?
>>>>>>>>>>>>> You will get a nice 8 x 10 cell, in a forensic psychiatric
>>>>>>>>>>>>> unit somewhere.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 8)
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Have a Fantabulously Wondrous Day!
>>>>>>>>>>>>> -StealthMode
>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Sat, Dec 9, 2023 at 10:52 PM StealthMode Hu <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> PS)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Someone on this list is going to jail.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Collecting peoples emails, and placing them on 15-16
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> different email lists.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> You are truly a person that needs to be incarcerated.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> And given Psychological Help.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I have contacted Valve.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I have contacted EACH of the 15-16 sites you have illegally
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> used my email address on tonight.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Your IP and traffic logs from 9pm forward on each website are
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> going to be preserved.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> And you are going to be charged, and arrested.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Eric Smith, and Valve Security are also notified of this
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> abuse. And Criminal Act you have engaged in.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Have a nice day!
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dont drop the soap!
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -StealthMode
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Sat, Dec 9, 2023 at 9:49 PM StealthMode Hu <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Oh hey....
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Since we are speaking of 64 bit....
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> What do yall think of the Wicked Engine?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I think it looks spectacular, with lots of room for MODDING.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> *)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -StealthMode
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Sat, Dec 9, 2023 at 9:22 PM StealthMode Hu <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> @Puddi?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Says the Wind0w L1ck3r 1 Delta 10 Tango...
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Sat, Dec 9, 2023 at 3:47 PM Puddi Smith <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Retard.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Sat, Dec 9, 2023 at 4:41 PM StealthMode Hu <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Well see, Id have to violate the Rules there Trent "
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> brick " to be removed.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> And despite a lot of Griefing, and Harassment by some on
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> this list over the years.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I have yet to Violate any Rules of this list ( while I
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> might point out, QUITE A FEW PEOPLE here have. ).
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Far as Alfred. Quite Correct.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> He QUIT VALVe.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Went to Microsoft for a while.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Helped them in Developing MR ( Mixed Reality ) possibly
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> involving the US Army.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Then dropped off everyones radars.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> However, this list is both Informational, and in fact a
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> help line.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Always has been. For server issues that Owners - Admins
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> have.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> And also a place to Announce new Relevant Software /
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Applications.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> And discuss improvements, suggestions, and ideas.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hell bro, Steam would have never gotten made without this
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> list.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Youd still be connecting to Sierra/Vivendi/WON if it were
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> not for this list.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Or youd be using " REAKTOR " instead of Steam. If it were
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> not for this list.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> That said. You said absolutely nothing relevant to the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> topic of conversation.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> List management.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> So please refrain from a) displaying disruptive list
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> behavior, b) posting off topic, trying to derail threads.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Cause you feel the need to try to silence others. Who in
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> fact have as much Right as you, if not MORE to post on this 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> list.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Maybe VALVe should just shut these lists down altogether
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> then?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> And never announce anything outside of the Website?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Along yalls lines of thinking.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> EndComms.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -StealthMode
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Sat, Dec 9, 2023 at 3:26 PM Trent brick <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Oh good lord it's you again Hu, you've been doing this
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> for years - this list is informational, not a help line. 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Alfred hasn't
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> managed this list in years - actually he hasn't managed 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> this list in years.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Let it go.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> It's frankly amazing that you haven't been removed from
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> this list.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Sat, Dec 9, 2023 at 3:08 PM Charlie Robinson <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I would suggest that you seek mental help and stop
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> spamming my mailbox:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Sat, 9 Dec 2023, at 8:06 PM, StealthMode Hu wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> *Julian - hi at <> *
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> In response to your post to the thread.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I suggest this.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Peruse the Archives, and History of Valve Software
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> circa 1999-2003.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Have a nice day.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Reaktor was what Gabe Newell, and Aflred made.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> STEAM was the Concept, and Name I made.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Far as Intellectual Property Theft.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> easily proven.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Steam versus Reaktor. There is evidence showing that
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> VALVE indeed made Reaktor.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> However, it was a stolen concept named Steam. That they
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> later adopted the name of as well.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> That said.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The fact I already mentioned that I contacted the Gabe,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Eric, and Erik privately about The Real CS2, 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Counter-Strike: Source 2
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> development.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> This is a LIST ANNOUNCEMENT list after all.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> And the LISTSERV software changed from HLDS LIST-SERV
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to this SimpleLists crap.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Which is why I had a few duplicate posts which I
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> already apologized for.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> However, I point something out to you.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> If you dont like it, whyd you feel so compelled to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> respond?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> See the problem with quite a few people on these lists
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> are....
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Egotism.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Narcissistic Personality Disorders.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Megalomaniacal Disorders.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> In Zen philosophy this is called Shadow. In Western
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Psychology this is called Ego/ID as well as Shadow.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> One can tell just by the two of your responses.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> You are both very negative people with very disturbing
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> psychological profiles.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> You should consider entering into Professional Therapy.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Have a nice day.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -StealthMode
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Sat, Dec 9, 2023 at 2:53 PM StealthMode Hu <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> See that would be called imposing your will on others.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Take your Psychobabble offlist please.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> A) My messages are on topic.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> B) They are constructive and trying to assist in a
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> better organizational system for the Chaotic Management @ 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Valve in recent
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> years.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> C) By all means, feel free to filter me for yourself if
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that is your choice. However, do not ever try to impose 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> your will on others.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> For your Psychological Techniques to impose on others
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Will shall always be exposed for what they are.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I strongly advise anyone on this list.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> TO THINK FOR YOURSELVES.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> And to always feel free to share your OPINION on
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> RELEVANT SUBJECT MATTERS.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> INFLUENCE YOUR FREE WILL.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thats called Coercion.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> And for the Brit across the Pond.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> That wants to impose on Freedom and Liberty, advocating
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Oppression using Tyranny ( a blacklist, for on topic 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> posting, cause your
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Brit self feel that you are entitled to impose your will 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> on others? )...
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I shall state this.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ask yourself this Brit.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Why did you feel the need to type all of that, trying
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to start all of that drama?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Why were you trying to incite the list in such a
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> manner, as encourage disruptive behavior like that?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Why if you are so buttsore over my legit opinions on
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> these lists, and other relevant things...
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> didnt YOU just filter me out yourself, and keep it
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> moving?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ya know why?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> You have Psychological Disorders.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Megalomaniacal Disorder. Trying to dictate to everyone
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> what to do, advocating blacklisting someone cause what?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> They posted on topic discussion?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Because you have Psychosis.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Please seek Psychiatric Help before ever posting to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> this list again.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Or I may have to contact your Local Authorities and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Flag you.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Have a nice day.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -StealthMode
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Sat, Dec 9, 2023 at 2:34 PM Anton Uklein <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I overwhelmingly recommend every user of this mailing
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> list to filter out
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> any messages by spammers linking malicious files by
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> updating your email
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> client filters so it gets sent to your trash folder
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> automatically. Or
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> for anyone at Valve to please blacklist messages
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> containing certain
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> words or phrases from being sent out to everyone.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Cheers
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 12/9/2023 1:28 PM, Julian - hi at (via
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> hlds list) wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > For the sake of other people's inboxes I'll say this
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> once and never
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > again: Please stop sending these random messages to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the hlds list. You
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > previously submitted multiple emails where you talked
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> about
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > consent(???), your post being "censored", mentioning
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "sloppy & amateur
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > development", and saying "They stole Steam from me".
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Nobody on this
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > list wants to read your ramblings; they are here for
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> hlds updates, not
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > what you have to say about Counter-Strike 2. Plenty
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of other places to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > go if you have a vendetta against Valve.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > On 12/9/2023 1:30 PM, StealthMode Hu wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> List-Serv has gotten messed up over the years Eric.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> Let us discuss things since Alfred Reynolds stopped
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> managing these
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> lists.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> A serious error was made years ago.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> With list management.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> HLDS server ( linux/win32 )....
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> HL product.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> SourceDS ( linux/win32 or modded win64 recompile )
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> HL2 product.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> Source2DS ( linux/win32 Still no 64 bit
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> modernization? )
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> HL3 / Alyx product
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> HL-Mappers? Gone.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> Hl-Coders? Why is this still even on here.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> Does anyone still reprogram/mod GoldSRC based mods?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> Where is the HAMMER / WORLDCRAFT mailing list?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> Where is the Modernized Source / Source 2 SDK
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> programmers list?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> I see a specialized list for Counter-Strike: GARBAGE
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> OPERATIONS 1 & 2.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> But no list for CS: Source or CS: Source 2.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> No list for Hammer / WorldCraft.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> And only outdated lists for HLDS & HLCODERS.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> Yall look real amateur, and shady over there lately
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> E. Smith.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> Do I need to make a new listserv after I release the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> newest Franchise
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> Title? Counter-Strike: Source 2, The Real CS2?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> EndComms.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> -StealthMode
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> Project Manager
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> Black Operations Development Group
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>
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