Far as the Nintendo thing.
See how mentally deranged the people abusing these lists are?

Some whacko on here thinks its ok to take the email address of someone they
dont like, or want posting here.

And tries to silence them by spamming them with fraudulent email signups,
that are in fact identity theft far as the Criminal Justice system is

VALVE best shut these lists down.

Allowing a platform for criminal conduct is a good way to lose their

And we wont mention how the Cyber Bully, Cyber Stalker has committed that
crime against many of this lists members over the years.

That said.

Cool, that someone worked at Nintendo.
I actually know ex Nintendo Devs that build Game Engines ( Wicked engine
for example ).

However, that is off topic.
And has nothing to do with the Internet Crimes Division of the FBI.
Department of Homeland Security.
Central Intelligence Agency.
Defense Intelligence Agency.
Nor the National Security Agency.

However, the person out there right now. Engaging in Criminal Conduct.

Wont be around much longer.

That said, yall have a good one.

I think im going to contact simplelists now, and report VALVe for not
moderating their lists.
And allowing them to become a platform for criminal behavior.

On Sun, Mar 10, 2024 at 6:54 PM StealthMode Hu <stealthmode1...@gmail.com>

> For a long time now.
> The person abusing these lists.
> Has been spamming peoples emails with criminal signups on multiple mailing
> lists.
> No matter what country you are in.
> We are coming for you now.
> Me, and my Team.
> Im going to put you in a hole. And make sure you never are near a computer
> again.
> On Sun, Mar 10, 2024 at 6:50 PM StealthMode Hu <stealthmode1...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Where they really fucked up is.
>> My email is already listed with DHS, NTAC, USSS, CIA, DIA, NSA.
>> And your IP address.
>> Is now being traced.
>> Your identity is being documented.
>> And you might even be killed for abusing the system,and attempting to
>> commit fraud, and identity theft involving former personnel.
>> So enjoy what is about to happen.
>> On Sun, Mar 10, 2024 at 6:48 PM StealthMode Hu <stealthmode1...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> One of the kids on this list doesnt realize they are about to get
>>> Federal charges.
>>> On Sun, Mar 10, 2024 at 6:34 PM AntUkl <antukl...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Children, come quick! This is not a drill!
>>>> The sudden circus has come to town!
>>>> And in the ring, every man is now the clown!
>>>> Behold, the man to be sued for messages in a brilliant green!
>>>> The denizens in the crowd recoiling in horror at what they see!
>>>> And the ringmaster, endowed with degrees from quality 8.5x11 paper with
>>>> the finest toner you could find in the clearance bin!
>>>> With misconceptions unlike those you've ever seen before!
>>>> Truly, a spectacle not meant for the weakest eyes!
>>>> Two nights only, or until everyone gets bored!
>>>> In this way, our ringmaster will challenge the world!
>>>> On 3/10/2024 5:07 PM, Zejkie1 wrote:
>>>> >Blasts everyone's inbox with bullshit
>>>> >Claims stalking when they respond
>>>> >Claims cyberbulling
>>>> >Threatens getting people's information to find them and show up at
>>>> their door
>>>> >Probably also thinks they're a master of the blade
>>>> >Nothing personell, kid
>>>> Aight bud, take your night night bottle and take a nap. You're grumpy
>>>> when you're tired.
>>>> On Sun, Mar 10, 2024 at 6:06 PM Arron Vinyard <vinyar...@gmail.com>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> We are all thieves on this blessed day.
>>>>> On Sun, Mar 10, 2024, 6:04 PM a <alej0hio2...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>> Lol. You can't have that many degrees
>>>>>> But reading the thread, you do indeed need help
>>>>>> søn. 10. mar. 2024, 22:58 skrev StealthMode Hu <
>>>>>> stealthmode1...@gmail.com>:
>>>>>>> None of yall know the Field of Psychology, let alone Neurology.
>>>>>>> I find it funny, those with psychosis trying to diagnose others.
>>>>>>> I DO however happen to have Mastery of Psychology, Neurology, and
>>>>>>> Zen Philosophy.
>>>>>>> As well as Universal Physics, Chemistry, Alchemix, Apothecary,
>>>>>>> Metallurgy, Warfare, Assassination, Electronics Engineering, Computer
>>>>>>> Science, Information Technology, Nuclear Engineering, Experimental 
>>>>>>> Physics.
>>>>>>> So yall out there that keep abusing these lists.
>>>>>>> Harassing.
>>>>>>> Stalking.
>>>>>>> Attempting to Cyber Bully.
>>>>>>> Have a nice day!
>>>>>>> -StealthMode
>>>>>>> On Sun, Mar 10, 2024 at 5:54 PM StealthMode Hu <
>>>>>>> stealthmode1...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Yall do know Electronics has a fatal flaw right?
>>>>>>>> One that can be exploited at any time.
>>>>>>>> And used to destroy anything electronic .
>>>>>>>> So yall go ahead and talk all the crap yall want.
>>>>>>>> Might cause VALVe to lose their host for these lists. TOS
>>>>>>>> violations.
>>>>>>>> Meanwhile, thanks for showing ALL OF US your Neurosis and Psychosis.
>>>>>>>> I make a legitimate on topic post about a Thief out there ( you can
>>>>>>>> even see the email in the archives ) who stole a POC / example of a 
>>>>>>>> server
>>>>>>>> exploit I posted a few years ago.
>>>>>>>> Then you can go to HackerOne, and see that exploit fraudulently
>>>>>>>> listed there as original exploit.
>>>>>>>> From a Thief on these lists. That commits Fraud routinely.
>>>>>>>> That said.
>>>>>>>> All of you who responded, in such a marvelously psychotic way to my
>>>>>>>> thread?
>>>>>>>> Thanks.
>>>>>>>> More Trolls for the Ban Hammer.
>>>>>>>> I will be in contact with your ISP / hosts shortly about
>>>>>>>> terminating your service for abuse of the internet usage policy of 
>>>>>>>> your ISP.
>>>>>>>> Ever hear of an " Undocumented Keyholder of the Internet ".
>>>>>>>> I am one of those as well ( one of my many, many hats ).
>>>>>>>> Yall have a good day.
>>>>>>>> -StealthMode
>>>>>>>> Applied Physicist
>>>>>>>> On Sun, Mar 10, 2024 at 5:46 PM StealthMode Hu <
>>>>>>>> stealthmode1...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Just like that guy that was using protonmail vpn / vpmail to stalk
>>>>>>>>> these lists.
>>>>>>>>> And got banned from ProtonMail.
>>>>>>>>> Watch talking shit. Especially on these lists.
>>>>>>>>> Especially to someone who knows more about how all of this works
>>>>>>>>> than you do.
>>>>>>>>> Last warning.
>>>>>>>>> On Sun, Mar 10, 2024 at 5:44 PM StealthMode Hu <
>>>>>>>>> stealthmode1...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Meaning, a simple query to GOOGLE MAIL servers.
>>>>>>>>>> And your client info is compromised.
>>>>>>>>>> On Sun, Mar 10, 2024 at 5:44 PM StealthMode Hu <
>>>>>>>>>> stealthmode1...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> Oh no.
>>>>>>>>>>> You are mistaken.
>>>>>>>>>>> Your EGO / Shadow has spoken volumes about your psychological
>>>>>>>>>>> defects.
>>>>>>>>>>> The charge is a Civil one. For Fraud and Theft.
>>>>>>>>>>> And watch talking shit on these lists.
>>>>>>>>>>> Your info can easily be obtained from a simple database query to
>>>>>>>>>>> the mail server.
>>>>>>>>>>> On Sun, Mar 10, 2024 at 5:41 PM Zejkie1 <zejk...@gmail.com>
>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> I'll be waiting to be served papers, cutie. Have them pick up a
>>>>>>>>>>>> pack of smokes on the way.
>>>>>>>>>>>> On Sun, Mar 10, 2024 at 5:38 PM StealthMode Hu <
>>>>>>>>>>>> stealthmode1...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Zejkie1
>>>>>>>>>>>>> You have a fixation, obsession, psychological disorder.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> That causes you to respond when anyone tries to message these
>>>>>>>>>>>>> lists.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Attacking them.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Harassing them.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Stalking them.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> And attempting to Cyberbully them.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Why?
>>>>>>>>>>>>> What makes you think you have the right to even speak on a
>>>>>>>>>>>>> thread I make?
>>>>>>>>>>>>> You are not on topic.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> The message topic is about a thief on this lists stealing
>>>>>>>>>>>>> vulnerabilities & exploits.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Then turning them in for monetary profit criminally.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Fraudulently.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> That said.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Are you the Thief?
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Whyd you respond?
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks though.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Really showed me something there.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Now I can file charges.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> -StealthMode
>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Sun, Mar 10, 2024 at 5:30 PM Zejkie1 <zejk...@gmail.com>
>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dang, only three months before the psycho posts to the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> mailing list this time? It must be my birthday! Need to get more 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> popcorn
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> though. Also claiming to be a "master" then saying you just need 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> a hex
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> editor to find the issue is hilarious, good one. Ran out of 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> popcorn waiting
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> on the lawsuit for the - and I quote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> " Reaktor was what Gabe Newell, and Aflred made.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> STEAM was the Concept, and Name I made.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Far as Intellectual Property Theft.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> easily proven.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Steam versus Reaktor. There is evidence showing that VALVE
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> indeed made Reaktor.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> However, it was a stolen concept named Steam. That they later
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> adopted the name of as well. "
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Seriously, can someone ban this idiot?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Sun, Mar 10, 2024 at 5:19 PM StealthMode Hu <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> stealthmode1...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I will state this, and stop.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> A lot of Stolen Valor around VALVe and on these lists.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Like how it went from REAKTOR to Steam.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Anyone here remember Alfred, remember back in 2001 to 2003?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The time the list allegedly got hit by a Virus?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The worlds first encryption virus / ransomware was what
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> VALVe got hit with.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Or when someone at VALVe downloaded that virus through a
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> link.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> And it backdoored HL2 Alpha files from their network?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Yeah.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Valve has stolen much, and made quite a few Enemies over the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> years.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Including their ex developers.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> For a lot of Intellectual Property Theft.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I point that out. Cause Alfred is gone.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> And the people there today, are the worst in the industry.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> With the sloppiest mash up of mixed programming in the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> history of a software developer.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> That said.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Decompile VALVes stuff sometime ( I Recommend HxD
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> decompiler, freeware hexadecimal / machine assembly editor / 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> programming
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> tool ).
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> You will see Quake 2 code still in GoldSRC.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> You will see HAVOKS physics still in Source.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Havok was the real genius behind the physics engine.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Anyone remember how it went from WON slow updating, to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> REAKTOR development?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> OR how Reaktor became Steam?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Not Grid, not Gazelle.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> REAKTOR.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Shows how much theft, misinformation, and disinformation is
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> out there about the factual Developer(s) of Steam platform. 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Versus the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Staff at Valve who stole the concept, and profited off of it.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Stole all of the communities concepts over the years.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I can see why everyone cheats in cs2.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Or hacks the platform, and rips them off for every game
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> title on the platform.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Why the platform is being exploited all of the time.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Its ok though, a Master never reveals everything.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> And not just anyone can speak 1 and 0 fluently.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Nor knows what Binary Logic Controller programming using
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> boolean algebra is.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I digress.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Yall be safe with all that wide open script kiddy engine
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> shit over there.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Cause the engine for the Client, the Steam Client,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> HLDS/SRCDS can all be used as points of attack for anything 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> connected to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the Steam network.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> End Contact.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -StealthMode
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Applied Physicist
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Sun, Mar 10, 2024 at 4:58 PM StealthMode Hu <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> stealthmode1...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> About two years ago now.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I outlined a POC of a new type of Exploit involving Clients
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> / Servers.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I explained it on the hlds mailing list.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> A few months later, someone on this list stole that POC.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Made the bitmap, and got paid by VALVe for an exploit I
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> found.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I want that person to respond to this msg.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> And admit they are a Thief.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I have a number of other exploits.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> That I never revealed to VALVe or these lists.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> A Master will never disclose the full knowledge in front of
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> amateurs.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I will state this.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> HLDS / SRCDS can be used to inject any client with anything.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> HLDS / SRCDS can be used to inject STEAM PLATFORM with
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> anything. ( Token Auth Server / VAC ).
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> And any MAP, MODEL, SKIN, SPRITE, TEXTURE, OR even just a
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> simple resource file.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Just like the Spraypaint exploit.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Malicious Programming can be embedded into any image file,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> texture file, model file, material file, map file.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Or in just a malformed packet / file.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> And transmitted from the HLDS / SRCDS.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Now, I dare ya. Try to steal this one and get paid for it
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> on HackerOne.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thats the difference between an Applied Physicist and rank
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> amateurs.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> End Contact.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -StealthMode
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