Someone has something like this already. I don't recall the URL, I will dig
for it. /me rumages /some guys banned list, not proven
http://guest:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/ban/
Simon garner posted this a while ago. Maybe with his guidance/help we could
get something like this going in the states and other countries. It uses
mysql and php. He offered at the time to provide the source. If I can get
one of my extra computers back, I would not mind running this. I only have
cable, but this is not really that bandwidth intensive.

The way they solved the trust issue was that when you submitted an ID you
had to give a reason with it for why they were banned. They could also apeal
to it looks like and get unbanned, but they were on probation meaning if
they screwed around again they were banned. What happens is when ID's are
submitted you give a reason such as "PB detected OpenGL", "Intentional Team
Killing/Team Hurting", "abusive towards players and myself", "this person is
[ :) ]Creed, was caught wusing wallHax by PB(gameplanet servers)". This site
also stored who submitted the cheater. Since it is in mysql, I am sure there
is a way to also filter by cheat they were using. For instance if you want
to ban haxors, but not TKers if you do not run a FF server you could just
search for that. It is a pretty sweet way of doing this.

Comments simon? What do you guys think of simon's site? Interested in using
that system?

-----Original Message-----
From: James Gurney [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, September 25, 2001 11:54 AM
Subject: Re: Punkbuster is dead?

> > The latest Linux release was the best so far too.
> Ya except that you CANNOT run the linux version in required mode cuase it
> kicks everyone for "No PB Client" violations even though everyone is
> an up-to-date and valid PB client.

Works fine for me in required mode.

Anyway, it's a real shame, now we get to welcome back all the cheaters.

This leads me onto a new idea, however.

Would anyone be interested in taking part in a universal blacklist system?
Whereby trusted people on servers can submit wonid's to a list on a web page
somewhere. You then run a small daemon on your server that contacts this
page and grabs the wonid's and sticks them in the banlist. The only problem
with this system is that you have to trust the people submitting ids for
banning. Actually proving a cheat is difficult but maybe possible by
watching the first person perspective in the new spectator mode. Perhaps a
screenshot or demo from this would be required before accepting an id..

If anyone is interested in taking part in a coordinated blacklist like this,
I'd be happy to organise it. I know there are blacklists out there already,
but I'd like to think this would be better coordinated and automated..

Comments anyone?

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