the main problem however is that the humans in this "simulation" don't have
real human limitations such as fatigue which would totally change the way
the action happens.  thus without fatigue the game doesn't really simulate a
real SWAT/CT vs T situation.  and i'm not just talking about jumping up and

running while shooting accurately is impossible in the real world.  hell,
even just running all the time is impossible.  a huge part of real world
strategy accounts for fatigue, how to overcome the effects of fatigue.
that's why buildings on a hill are more strategic, not just because of the
visibility aspects.  also because they are much more difficult to storm
UPWARDS then if they were on a flat surface.

not to mention that a TRULY accurate situation would involve a bunch of
diplomats and negotiators talking with the Ts while the CTs sit around with
orders to cease fire :P

----- Original Message -----
From: "Brad Ball" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, October 02, 2001 1:48 PM
Subject: RE: Found hitbox problem

> Ok Ok.  maybe it's not REALLY a simulation, but I would say that it is
> 'meant to be' a simulation. Wether or not gooseman and the CS team
> achieved the goal of making it a simulation can be argued all day long (I
> don't quite think they did, but they made more progress than anything else
> I've seen). But I do think that most will agree that the goal of CS from
> beginning was to create a game that simulates Terrorist/Counter-Terrorist
> situations, hence all the attempts at realism.
> If others don't agree that's fine. As I said in my original post, "this is
> just MY opinion". Others can have their opinion and that's wonderful. I
> more important things to do than argue over the simulation factor in CS.
> Besides, the argument over wether or not CS is a simulation has nothing to
> do with the point I was trying to make in my original post. I was trying
> explain why there are more headshots now and that it's not due to a hitbox
> bug, it is due to hitbox bugs being fixed.
> Brad
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Ken Kirchner [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > Sent: Tuesday, October 02, 2001 3:52 PM
> > Subject: RE: Found hitbox problem
> >
> >  <SNIP>
> > > All of this is of course, just my opinion.
> > >
> > > /me zips up flame-proof suit,
> >
> > As you well should.  It was a good post until you got to the
> > above part.
> > Simulation my ass. I would classify it as an FPS with a tad
> > more realism
> > than most others, but simulation? I dont think so.  Not even close.

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