Brian A. Stumm wrote:

>Oh I'm fully aware of the netiquette guidelines dictating the what was it
>2-3 line signature max... But I'm also aware of many articles discussing
>how outdated those guidelines are considering the avg connection speed at
>the time those guidelines were published compared to today. Are you
>complaining about the amount of data I require you to download or do you
>have some other reason for the flame? Honestly, I *AM* curious as to
>exactly what your beef is.
For me at least, download size is not relevant.
I don't know what others might object to but what annoys me to some extent is that 
when reading maillists I use space to page down through the mails and automatically 
jump to the next unread message when I get to the end.

Nonrelevent extra text makes it take an unnessecary amount of "extra clicks" to get 
past the BS and to the next mail with information worth reading. Your sig will add 
about 1 extra such click, which is mildly annoying when you see it for the 50th time, 
however it is nothing near the annoyance of the 1 line post containing 300+ lines 
quoting of non related text from 4 previous posts.

What it all comes down to, the more you try to stick to the netiquette guidelines, the 
less "annoying" you are likely to be depending on how they like to view maillist. So 
while some of the technical reasons for the netiquette are no longer valid, many of 
the general rules based on user interaction still is :)


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