That sounds weird... :P Should we ask ourself what redhat (or any other
dist) is first of all. It's no a company/group who writes there own
program and sell it... No, instead they take programs which they think
would fit in there product and sell it togheter with other programs, pre
configured so they will work pretty much out of the box.

So if 90% of all linux users out there uses redhat and someone suddenly
reports a bug in ssh or apache. Then ofcourse statistics would say that
90% of the bugs under linux are in redhat distributions. But ops, there
wasn't a bug in redhat itself, it was in the program ssh or apache the
bug existed...
Therefor can you not say that some dist is more secure than someone
else. Because they are all made of the same kernel, and if you choose to
run all the stupid services as default then you are the worst security
whole ever :P


MKiller wrote:

>>Most hacked servers are redhat for the simple reason, theres more redhat
>>servers than any other distro flavour.
>Some statistics say that 90% of bugs under linux are in red hat distributions xD
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