> A lot of them are Cal-I players, and their skill is indeed, vast. I
> don't claim all players are capable of such amazing feats, but several
> are.

Several are what?  Unbelievably skilled?  Great.  Let's say you have a
full 2 dozen of the best players in the world that drop by your server
from time to time when they happen to feel like pubbing.  You're going
to say that you're going to change the face of the game for everyone
else because a tiny handful of players can do to you what nobody else
can?  If you want to provide a server that isn't a cushy haven for
people who've developed the amazing skill of sitting in one spot and
hoping an opponent crosses through their LOF, you can either a) not run
maps prone to this sort of thing (cs_militia, for instance), or b)
realize that to do so, you're going to have to start running a DMC

Valve has so bastardized the game, its weapons, and the aiming system,
that to have an advantage in CS anymore amongst the typical CS players,
you must be on the defensive team and take up a defensive position and
wait for the opponent to come to you to die.  That's just how it is.

> The fact that you have not seen this yourself would seem to suggest
> that it's your experience which is limited, not mine.

Oh I've seen skilled AWP usage.  You don't want to start a pissing match
in that regard, and honestly I think it's funny that you try to toss me
the hot potato of your argument, charging that I must not play
with--much less live with--some truly skilled players.  But the fact
remains that it's *skilled* AWP usage.  It's NOT firing an AWP
accurately while strafing and jumping and running, and it's NOT using an
old and short-lived weaponswitch bug to fire the AWP at a more rapid
rate than normal.  Hell, quickshots doesn't even work anymore...

> Ok, running I might have been exaggerating, but frequently you'll
> people hiding behind a wall.. They sidestep out with their awp zoomed,
> and are able to fire and get an accurate shot without pausing to
> the weapon, crouching, etc.

It may not be slow enough for you to observe their actions easily, but
they're actually stopping, aiming, and firing very quickly.  They most
certainly pause for at least split second, and often longer than that.
You just don't always see/notice them till the very last second (if

> My entire point was that the awp is lacking
> any sort of random movement such as you would expect in a realistic
> sniper rifle.

What exactly in CS is as you would expect in a realistic anything?
Pretty much nothing.  The game isn't about realism.  It's about gameplay
with a more down-to-earth flavor than Quake and similar games.  You want
to talk about frustration, go play RA3 one-on-one against any mediocre
player.  You'll come crawling back to CS, realizing how truly slow paced
it is these days.  The AWP will be nothing compared to the rail gun, for
instance.  I'm sure there are probably servers out there that manage to
strip the game of the rail gun, but most admins and players don't cry
about not having the skill to effectively utilize the weapons in the
game.  Instead they try to take lessons from those who are consistently
killing them with the weapon and try to get better.  Some, like me,
resign themselves to the fact that they're simply not as talented as
some of the better players and content themselves with small gains and
support of the better players.


> This was remedied before, and apparently someone has figured a way
> around it again because it's something I see fairly often.

Really?  That's news to the best players in the world.  Some of the
mediocre players in the world are continually trying to adapt the speed
hack to get around current VAC and other anti-cheat utilities, of
course, which may be what you're seeing.

> Once again, you feel the need to criticize me
> instead of talking about the actual point.

Sir, I don't feel a need to criticize you *instead* of "talking about
the actual point".  I'm pointing out areas where you, as an individual,
are putting out flawed and amazingly bizarre statements to try to gain
public acceptance for your view from either people who don't know any
better or other people who share your disdain for losing.  We all want
to win.  It's just that most of us don't want to win by depriving the
opposition of tools with which to beat us until we drag them down to our
level.  It's a lot more fun, right?  Run a noob server where the player
skill is low and the intelligence/teamwork even lower?  Why don't you go
run a KA server?

> Apparently your observations are more accurate than my own and
> consequently, I'm "out of touch with current reality" - right.

Apparently so, yes.

> Yes, this was my point. It's not realistic, and while I agree that
> nothing in CS is, I personally think the awp is disproportionately
> unrealistic compared to other weapons.

Heh, interesting argument.  Do you have much experience with real-world
weaponry?  Would it even matter if you did?  Does the fact that the AWP
is one of the most expensive weapons in the game mean anything to you?
...Much less being one of the most difficult to master and use
effectively.  Do you take into account the fact that the people who are
taking you down with AWPs will just own you anyway if you try to start
dumbing down the experience to your level?  What are you going to take
away next?  The DE?  The AK and Colt, neither of which bear much
resemblance to reality?  You going to change sv_maxspeed to about 150,
turn gravity WAY up, and set it to Glocks only?  I got news for you: if
you keep the tools of the trade on an even keel, you're still going to
get your ass kicked by a better player.  There are no players who can't
be killed.

> You have a habit of making posts which contain comments that make
> judgements on other people (see quoted email pieces above). If you're
> not going to make points on the question at hand, I consider that to
> trolling.

Sir, the fact that you think you can separate your comments from
yourself is proof enough that you're not qualified to be "judging" me.
My disagreeing with you doesn't make me a troll.  But even if I am a
true troll at heart, it still doesn't make me wrong.  It'd just give you
a way to back out of your position by trying to draw attention away from
the fallacies of your wild statements by trying to focus on the
completely unrelated, alleged personal shortcomings of the person with
which you're debating.  You're the only one in this thread calling
people names and presuming to judge the character of another.  Sounds
like you're a helluvalot closer to meeting the definition of a Troll...

Eric (the Deacon remix)

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