"Zachary H. Sloane" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
| > I forgot some things:
| > JB> Remember doing USP head shots while jumping?
| > JB> Remember the AK being dead accurate at very long distances?
| > JB> Remember being able to jump without stupid FPS depending slowdown?
| > JB> Remember no one using low ex_interp?
| > JB> Remember those MP5 kings who hit everything in the head while
| > JB> Remember the Scout being as accurate as the AWP while standing?
| > JB> Remember being able to dodge bullets while planting the bomb?
| > JB> Remember the AK with the old, compensable recoil?
| > JB> Remember less slowdown when being hit?
| > JB> Remember training paying off more?
| > Remember being able to change weapons faster than my grandpa?
| > Remember killing enemies while walking down a stair with a hand gun?
| > Remember being able to walk from a small border without making sounds?
| > Remember walking being faster than crawling?
| Remember strafing and shooting ACCURATELY with colt AND Ak
| Remember taking out a whole team with nothing but a USP or deagle
| Remember when hitboxes were smaller and it took skill to get a headshot?
| Remember when CS was fun?
Remember when this list was mostly useful?

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