Okay, just to get this all straight

A first time offender gets banned 24 hours right? If not that should be
A second time offender should get a week ban.
A third time offender is permanantly banned.

This would mean the following

If you are not extraordinary dim witted you would completely uninstall
Half-Life from your computer
after the second time and reinstall everything and you should also go over
your scripts and change
all aliases in them to some random words.

This would mean that there isn't a chance in hell you'd get the third
strike out if you aren't cheating.

I think two strikes should be wiped clean after 6 months.

Without a system of trial and error and reprimand without permanent

Kveðja / Regards

Guðmundur Örn Ingvarsson
Íslandssími hf
Web Site - http://www.islandssimi.is
Buisness phone - +354 595 5000

|         |           Jeremy Brooking             |
|         |           <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>     |
|         |           Sent by:                    |
|         |           [EMAIL PROTECTED]|
|         |           oftware.com                 |
|         |                                       |
|         |                                       |
|         |           25.11.2002 20:51            |
|         |           Please respond to hlds_linux|
|         |                                       |
  |       To:       [EMAIL PROTECTED]                                  
  |       cc:                                                                          
  |       Subject:  Re: [hlds_linux] VAC false positive                                

On Tue, 2002-11-26 at 09:27, m0gely wrote:
> Jeremy Brooking wrote:
> > You trying to tell me cheaters DONT know what cheat they are being
> > kicked for? Sure, maybe the dumb ones, but the ones with brains
> > (The
> > ones that you have have to worry about, because they dont make it
> > obvious) know exactly what they are using.
> I'ma take a stab here and say maybe the cheater doesn't know.  As
> some of these cheats are pretty involved and do alot of different
> things.  So maybe VAC doesn't detect the cheat as a whole, but it
> catches one part of it.  Maybe some cheats get caught, but if the
> feature of that cheat is turned off then that would allow the
> cheaters enough info to be more effective.  ?, I dunno.

But no ones saying VAC needs to state

"User banned for having OGC resident in memory, and a pizza on the desk.
User exceeded allowable Coke intake"

Just something along the lines of

"User banned for suspected wallhack"
"User has been banned for suspected aimbot"
"User has been banned for Eric (Deacon) fan club membership"

I dont think anyone has ever asked for a total dump of why they are
being banned, just SOMETHING they can respond to a users complaints

Hell if VALVe were dealing with the emailed complaints I get, sure tell
them nothing, but when I have to reply to users asking why they were
banned, id like to be able to tell them something.

I dont even know an official channel at VALVe to contact for this, what
programs (which may be considered cheats by some not by others) are
banned for, what plugins (EG: Winamp plugin) 'may' be banned for, how
long bans last, how to find out if VAC is the cause of their problems
and many other questions that have been asked and never answered.

As far as i am concerned if VALVe are going to ban people they either
need to

Efficiently handles ALL complaints about bans
Give me some details I can respond to the user with.

If a user is banned, and they honestly believe they werent cheating, and
havent ever, What are they to do? What am I to tell them? I cant even
show them a line from the log that says any of the above. And if they
are banned, how long are they banned for? How do they know they ban has
been removed? Or do they just quit CS and go play BF1942 (like most of
the people with complaints have said they have done).

Like its been stated before, if a user tries to find out why they are
banned, they ask the admin, and/or go to the CS webpage, which tells
them nothing.

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