On Thu, Nov 28, 2002 at 12:35:45PM +1300, Jeremy Brooking wrote:
> On Thu, 2002-11-28 at 12:18, James Clark wrote:
> >
> > Doesn't mean it can't be discussed again =)
> >
> > Get him to remove and reinstall CS, that should fix it.  He's got
> > 24hrs to do something other than play the game.
> This is the problem as I see it though. why should he have to stop
> playing for 24 hours because of something not his fault. Why should he
> have to waste his time reinstalling halflife because of something that
> isnt his problem. Why dont we have the ability to say
> "Go to this site, enter your WONID and you will be able to check if you
> are banned. On the page it also has a support medium that VALVe can help
> you if you believe you have been falsely banned.They are very prompt in
> replying to you, and appreciate the feedback as this may be related to a
> VAC bug."
> Im all for VAC and global banning, but it HAS to be supported by those
> who impliment and enforce it. None of us can provide support for it, so
> it has to be VALVe.
> Doesnt the simple fact that "remove and reinstall CS, that should fix
> it." is the answer ring alarm bells for anyone else here but me?
> >
> > I'd treat a futher catch as highly suspect.
> >
> Or a possible error with the latest module and his individual
> equipment/OS/config/setup.
> > --
> > James.

Even if one of my personal friends got banned by VAC while playing CS
on my servers I would still recommend same course of action.

Only after it happenned again would I start to stress about VAC and a
possible False Postive.


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