On Thu, Jul 10, 2003 at 10:42:21PM -0400, Kevin J. Anderson wrote:
> ->On Thu, Jul 10, 2003 at 04:21:19PM -0400, Kevin J. Anderson wrote:
> ->> only reason I ask is that I dont take playing 1.6 on steam very
> ->seriously,
> ->>
> ->> kev
> ->
> ->Why not?
> hmmm.   well, couple reasons.  The biggest is that every server I ever join
> is usually full of really poor players, and its just too easy to go 30 and 5
> or whatever outlandishly high score.  Then I get called a hacker, and what
> not.
> Secondly, those bullet ricochet noises entirely annoy me... they seriously
> make me want to plug my ears.  In a firefight, it just goes crazy around
> you.   They are ok in DOD, because concentrated firefights dont happen as
> offen as they do in cs, due to the way that teams spawn.  But when you get a
> full server of players meeting at various checkpoints in a map in cs, its
> makes me want to toss my headphones off.
> thirdly, there also seems to be a sound caching issue in the client, because
> new sounds tend to make the game "skip" consistently.   I have never had
> this issue in previous hl/cs versions, and have heard others talk about it
> in servers as well.  I have a high end pc, amd2100+, 512megs of ram, geforce
> ti 4600, soundblaster live.
> so in other words, for various reasons, playing 1.6 isnt all that enjoyable
> for me, a person who has played since a leaked beta1.  ; (
> kev

This is why I asked, yours/our feedback about the beta _is important_.
I'm be fairly sure the guys at valve do pay attention to us =D

I'm still waiting for the steam client to update itself so I can play
on the beta server I'm running =(  My Internet connection from home isn't
the best... might bring my machine to work and hurry it up a little =P

Sux when ya setup a server and aren't the first person to play on it =)


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