--- Joshua Gardiner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Yeah, that is a great idea. Because games are made for admins, not
> players.
> Boycotting 1.6 is one of the most worthless ideas I've seen come out
> of this list.
> Joshua

true to an extent. If 1.6 comes out, and the CPU performance hasn't
been corrected to .0c levels, we all lose; admins, players, Valve.
holding out as an admin and sticking with .0c after 1.6 is released
will only get you an empty server, because the players will move on
with the new patch. If Valve sticks admins and GISPs with software that
requires new hardware, then admin interest in this engine (as
compelling as it is) well definitely drop. that sucks for any admin
(hobbyists and businesses alike) that have invested a lot of time and
money into serving HL based games.

however, if Valve is having this much trouble getting CPU levels back
down, and no new features have been added, it sounds like they *don't*
know what is causing it, or are reluctant to change what is causing it
due to some other need for the offending code. I have some faith that
Valve will figure it out. They are listening (sometimes it amazes me
how quickly Alfred addresses a list message), it is just a matter of if
they will be influenced by what they hear.

I have a strong gut feeling (and I'm prolly gonna jinx it just by
saying this) that 1.6 won't be out for a while (two months maybe), that
hopefully they have delayed releasing it until they address these
issues. Part of this is based loosely on the fact that a new CAL season
is starting, and I gotta think that CAL at least somewhat try to sync
up seasons with mod releases (this is just speculation of course).

anyway, i have a feeling that they want to do the right thing, but the
jaded part of me is leery about putting faith in a business.
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